Black Girl Burnout

Black Girl Burnout

Latest Episodes

Opt Into Connection
June 07, 2023

Being connected to yourself, to other folks, to some kind of higher power or higher source is good for our health.

Opt Out of Excuses
June 05, 2023

Did you know that the fear of feeling joy could be blocking success from your life?

Opt Into Me - Part 3
June 02, 2023

Knowing your worth is important. You dont have to settle for non-reciprocal relationships on any level in your life.

Opt Into Me - Part 2
May 31, 2023

You deserve to live and work only with those who bring some form of joy into your life.

Opt Into Me - Part 1
May 29, 2023

This episode is for you if you want to know why this podcast is about Opting Out of Struggle.

Opt Into Protecting Your Peace - Part 3
May 26, 2023

Its time to really look into what is causing stress in your life and think about what you can do to dissolve that source of stress in any way possible.

Opt Into Protecting Your Peace - Part 2
May 24, 2023

The joy in telling the truth builds community and inevitably you meet people who are like-minded.

Opt Into Protecting Your Peace - Part 1
May 22, 2023

No one should have to endure a constant state of struggle.

Opt Into Nourishment - Part 3
May 19, 2023

One of the real game changers in life is when you realize that the path to Joy is through clarity and having a clear sense of self.

Opt Into Nourishment - Part 2
May 17, 2023

odays journey is all about overcoming numbing and sharing experiences with the world that can lead to the creation of projects focused on nourishing yourself and infusing work with joy.