Black Girl Burnout

Black Girl Burnout

Latest Episodes

Opt Into Doing What You Love - Part 3
June 30, 2023

Allow yourself intentional time to explore things that make you feel peaceful, happy,and if those things also make you laugh, even better!

Opt Into Doing What You Love - Part 2
June 28, 2023

Number one thing, if you want joy, stop caring what other people think. Joy is the key to success, so do the work that allows you to figure out what makes you joyful.

Opt Into Doing What You Love - Part 1
June 26, 2023

Are you checking in with yourself and literally asking yourself what brings you joy?

Opt Into Cultivating Safe Spaces
June 23, 2023

While it is true that many black women do NOT feel safe in their personal and professional lives, this episode confirms that safe spaces do exist.

Opt Out of Comparison
June 21, 2023

Let go of the concept of comparison and elevate into a mindset of admiration.

Opt Into Nostalgia
June 19, 2023

One way we express joy is through nostalgia, by connecting back to the things that mattered as kids or to that childlike joyfulness and playfulness.

Opt Into Soft Mornings
June 16, 2023

Are you using hyper-independence and overworking to keep yourself locked in struggle?

Opt Out of the Glorification of Busy
June 14, 2023

Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Out of Glorification of Busy. Sometimes busyness can become a defense mechanism that becomes invoked when we dont want to deal with something that is ha

Opt Into Generosity
June 12, 2023

Did you know that generosity is often mistaken for self-sacrifice?

Opt Out of Self Betrayal
June 09, 2023

Are you being intentional about scheduling breaks for yourself? Self care is essential to rejecting burnout.