Black Girl Burnout

Black Girl Burnout

Latest Episodes

Level Up
December 28, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about three signs to look for when determining if you are living life at the most optimal level. Many of us hold back from living up to our full potential. However, it does

Unplug Haters, Period
December 27, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about five strategies that will help you to eliminate the impact that haters have on your life. Being intentionally undermined, diminished, or disappointed by people that y

Maintain An Attitude of Gratitude
December 24, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about five gratitude practices that will help you to maintain an attitude of gratitude. I believe that gratitude heals burnout, and it helps prevent it. It's a really power

Eliminate Invisible Distractions
December 22, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about identifying distractions that are associated with racism. In reality, racism is a distraction. It keeps you in a disruptive cycle of proving and explaining yourself,

Release The Past
December 19, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about 5 key techniques that will help you to finally let go of things that no longer serve you. As black women, we face a lot of disappointment. And we are constantly attac

Transcend Escapism
December 16, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about three critical skills that will help you to work through the pain and avoid escapism. When the pain becomes too much to bear, we tend to run away from it. I have, and

Engage in Self Kindness
December 15, 2021

Today we are going to talk about self-kindness. I want to focus on self-kindness because I think it's the one thing that we as black women just don't get enough of. This episode is for you if you are

Breakaway from self-judgment
December 14, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about 5 tips that will help you to finally put an end to self-judgment. It's something that I have struggled with all my life. If you have a pattern of setting extremely hi

Conquer Family Burnout
December 13, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about 10 healthy survival strategies to help you with navigating gatherings with family and friends. Perhaps, you know that you're going to see your family members and you

Be Good To You
December 10, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about Self-Compassion and three pillars designed to teach you how to treat YOU better. We will focus our self-healing exercises on mindfulness, common humanity, and self-ki