Black Girl Burnout

Black Girl Burnout

Latest Episodes

Opt-Out of The Struggle
December 08, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about the Struggle, and the Four Pillars that will help you to Opt-Out of Struggle with consistency. Its time to affirm who you are, write your own story, be intentional,

Identifying Burnout
December 06, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about the three things, what burnout is, the symptoms of black girl burnout, and what burnout specifically means for black women. You have likely felt the impact of burnout

Introducing Black Girl Burnout
December 02, 2021

My name is Kelley Bonner, and welcome to the Black Girl Burnout podcast. This podcast is dedicated to helping black women manage the stress of daily living while preventing the detrimental effects of
