Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky

Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky

Latest Episodes

The Side of Self-Care That's Often Overlooked
October 13, 2021

You've heard us say before that self-care isn't ONLY naps and bubble baths. In this week's episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out, we're talking about that crucial other side of self-care that's just as i

Meditation to Visualize Change
October 06, 2021

Lately we've been talking a lot about change. This week's meditation is to help you visualize the change you want to make in your life.

When Preparation Meets Opportunity, Magic Happens
September 29, 2021

The "Law of Attraction" frequently gets misinterpreted as nothing more than just a judgmental way to tell someone that they're responsible for all the hardships and challenges in their life. We think

Change Takes Time
September 22, 2021

When we're eager to reach our goals, it can seem like the finish line isforeveraway. This week's episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out reminds you that even though beautiful, lasting change can take ti

Meditation to Break Free From Your Box
September 15, 2021

This week Krystal walks us through a guided meditation focused on breaking free from the boxes we live in.

The Boxes We Still Live In
September 10, 2021

Last week we talked about the boxes that we were all raised in. This week, we're diving even deeper and asking you to think critically about which boxes no longer serve you.Who are you? What do yo

The Boxes We Were Raised In
September 02, 2021

We are brought into this world by humans who want to protect us and see us succeed. They teach us in the path they know and have followed. As we grow up, sometimes this path - or box - no longer serve

Meditation to Find Your Voice
August 25, 2021

Happy Wednesday! This week we're walking you through a quick, fun meditation focused on helping you find your voice and speak your truth.

What We Really Mean When We "Don't Have Time"
August 04, 2021

Everyone's got a list of things that they would be doing to better themselves if only they "had the time." In this week's episode, Krystal explains what we really mean when we say "we don't have time.

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life
July 28, 2021

Sometimes changing your life requires a shift in perspective. In this week's episode, Krystal's Aunt Olive teaches us a valuable lesson: If you're struggling with what's in front of you, just look bey