Mindset Zone

Mindset Zone

Latest Episodes

Courage To Be Imperfect
April 16, 2021

Perfection – I strive for perfection. I always did, and I still do. I like to do things as well as possible. I'm always looking for ways to improve. I know that perfection is an illusion. It's impossi

Think BIG MindSet with Michael Port
April 09, 2021

During this episode, I interviewed my mentor Michael Port about the Think BIG MindSet. Michael Port has been called an “uncommonly honest author” by the Boston Globe, and a “marketing guru” by The Wal

The Power of YET – A Growth Mindset Secret
April 02, 2021

The idea behind this podcast is that our mindsets determine the way we see the world. And, because it’s so easy to stay stuck in Fixed Mindsets, that prevents us from learning new things, it’s vital t

How to Overcome the Fear of Running Out of Money with Sarah Thompson
April 02, 2021

I had a thought-provoking conversation with Sarah Thompson, a financial expert, on how to overcome the fear of running out of money. I invited Sarah, because she has a well of experiences, from workin

Age is an Advantage
March 26, 2021

If you are trying to make a difference – with whatever you are doing at this moment in your life – do you see age as an advantage or a disadvantage? Today, in our western society, a common belief is t

Negative Emotions Are Good
March 19, 2021

Are negative emotions always bad? What are negative emotions? When something stirs us up in an unpleasant way, we can call it a negative emotion. We feel sad, fearful, mad. Let's think about situation

How to Increase Your Positivity
March 12, 2021

Take a minute to do this awareness exercise: Look around the room and count how many red objects you see. Write that number down. Now that you know how many red objects you saw, do you have any idea h

The Power of Restart!
March 05, 2021

The power of restart! When your computer starts to misbehave or run slower, common advice is to shout it down and restart it. Many times we resist this advice. We have so much stuff open. We are afrai

Searching for Meaning – Are You Aiming High Enough?
March 05, 2021

One of my favorite books is Viktor Frankl’s “.” It’s a powerful book, divided into two parts. Part One is an account of Frankl’s experiences as a prisoner in several concentration camps during the Sec

What’s In a Name
March 05, 2021

Why do we spend so long to decide about a name? The name of our children, the name of our pets, the name of our business. I spent a long time thinking about how to name this podcast. If you followed m