Mindset Zone

Mindset Zone

Latest Episodes

Your Body of Work with Pam Slim
August 27, 2021

In this episode, you will listen to an interview with Pamela Slim, author of  and the . Pamela Slim is an award-winning author, speaker and business consultant who has been an entrepreneur for eightee

Invisibilia – The Blind Can See
August 20, 2021

Today's episode goal is to invite you to go and listen to a different podcast – really. This is one of the things I love about the podcasting world. Like authors and professionals speakers, we know th

Non-Obvious: How to Think Different with Rohit Bhargava
August 13, 2021

In this episode, I have the pleasure to interview Rohit Bhargava, author of five best selling business books including  and his most recent one called . He had me at “how to think different”, because

Misattributions – Good Or Bad?
August 06, 2021

Today, I want to focus on misattributions, that is, situations where we attribute an idea to the wrong source. I was listening to news recently and they were speaking about the beautiful new US stamp,

The Second Arrow - Stories We Tell Ourselves with Eric Zimmer
July 30, 2021

In this Episode, I interviewed Eric Zimmer the host of the podcast “The One You Feed.” “The One You Feed” podcast was named Best of 2014 by iTunes, and it's an amazing collection of open minded discus

Do You Have A Sandbox?
July 23, 2021

For many of you,  was very conceptual with no practical application. I want to celebrate that . It’s essential to have activities that don't seem to have practical applications, or use business langua

Paradoxes – Give Your Mindsets a Workout
July 16, 2021

To provide a mindset workout is my goal for every episode of my podcast. I want to create a space where you come to exercise your mind, such as when you go to the health club to keep yourself healthy

Life is two days, and the first we spend waking up
July 09, 2021

Life is two days, and the first we spend waking up. This phrase from a Portuguese song I loved to listen to in the 90s sums up one of my favorite mantras, and like any good chorus, it's worth repeatin

Life is two days, and the first we spend waking up
July 04, 2021

Life is two days, and the first we spend waking up. This phrase from a Portuguese song I loved to listen to in the 90s sums up one of my favorite mantras, and like any good chorus, it's worth repeatin

Do People Really Change?
July 02, 2021

I’m fascinated by change – if you listen regularly to this podcast you may have noticed that. Change has been the focus of my professional life. When I started as a psychotherapist, I helped people ov