Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 137 – Special Guest - Jim Anderson
January 05, 2023

Today I am joined by Jim Anderson, author of the powerful book, "Unmasked: Exposing the Cultural Sexual Assault." We discuss the devastating effects of the sexual revolution on today's culture. We then discuss God’s gift of sexuality, how to understand th

Episode 136 – Admirers or Disciples?
December 29, 2022

One of the blessings of persecution is that it reveals what we truly believe. Admirers of Christ love to be associated with Him, but when trouble comes, they either turn on Him or distance themselves.admirers never make true sacrifices for the gospel. Th

Episode 135 – Christmas and the Gift of Suffering
December 22, 2022

Christmas is only days away and that means last minute gifts are being purchased, wrapped and placed under the tree! One gift that will not be exchanged is the gift called "suffering." In fact, for Christians in the West, suffering is to be avoided at all

Episode 134 – Standing in Solidarity - The Priority of Fellowship Through Small Groups
December 15, 2022

In times of government tyranny and oppression, connecting with others who share your beliefs is a critical tool for resistance. Community creates a space where freedom is preserved. And freedom promotes a sense of corporate courage where people are able t

Episode 133 – Christianity, the Bedrock of Resistance
December 08, 2022

As the scope of government grows, so does the attack on both religion and family life. Why? Because the faith and family are God-ordained checks to the government abuse of power. Both remind politicians that they are not all-powerful. Someone, namely God

Episode 132 – Families as Resistance Cells
December 01, 2022

The nuclear family is the first institution created by Godand the building block of healthy communities and nations. Perhaps this explains why Satan hates thefamily and does everything in his power to destroy it. It should come as no surprise that famil

Episode 131 – Cultivating Cultural Memory
November 24, 2022

Memory matters. Without a collective memory, you have no culture, and without culture you have no shared identity. Our shared cultural memories function to legitimize the present social order. This is why revolutionary movements work to erase our shared h

Episode 130 – Value Nothing More than Truth
November 17, 2022

In recent weeks, we have discussed the many forms of soft totalitarianism emerging in American culture. Today we shift our focus to what we can do about it. We begin with the challenge to "value nothing more than truth." In a culture poisoned with lies,

Episode 129 – Corporate Thuggery and Surveillance Capitalism
November 10, 2022

The marriage between woke corporate thuggery and information technology harvesting is creating a hostile environment for those who hold biblical values. Whether it's book contracts that are sabatoged, banking services that are suddenly cancelled, or socia

Episode 128 – Woke Capitalism
November 03, 2022

For years, corporate America landed on the right of the liberal/conservative continuum. Those days are long gone. Big business has moved steadily leftward on social issues. In addition, we have witnessed the marriage of the "woke" corporate world and the