Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 127 – Understanding the Cult of Social Justice
October 27, 2022

God reveals Himself as a God of justice and truth. As human beings made in His image, we share His revulsion for injustice. However, the biblical pursuit of "justice" and today's modern cult of "social justice" have little, if anything, in common. Today w

Episode 126 – Progressivism as Religion
October 20, 2022

Every movement needs a transcendent source of legitimacy to fuel its mission. For America's Leftists, it's progress. Progressives hold that the present is better than the past, and that the future will inevitably be better than the present. Those who oppo

Episode 125 – Our Pre-Totalitarian Culture
October 13, 2022

It's easy for us to look at the rise of totalitarian dictatorships of the past and wonder how such evils were allowed to happen. That would never happen under our watch, or so we think. But the precursors of tyranny are all around us in America today. The

Episode 124 – Understanding Soft Totalitarianism (Part 2)
October 06, 2022

Americans are not experiencing the hard totalitarianism of the former Soviet gulags. Instead, it manifests control in soft forms. This tyranny is therapeutic. It masks its hatred of dissenters from its progressive utopian ideology in the guise of helping

Episode 123 – Live Not By Lies (Part 1)
September 29, 2022

Today we begin an exciting discussion of Rod Dreher's book,_Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents._Is America drifting toward some form of totalitarianism? Our elite institutions are abandoning old-fashioned liberalism, which defends the

Episode 122 – Strangers in a Strange New World
September 22, 2022

As followers of Christ, we are increasingly feeling like strangers in a strange new America. The rise of expressive individualism, with its radical transformation of our understanding of selfhood, creates its own wave of societal conformity. As believers,

Episode 121 – Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
September 15, 2022

Our Declaration of Independence firmly enshrines our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The freedoms of speech and religion have been appreciated and enjoyed since the birth of our great nation. With the rise of expressive i

Episode 120 – The Sexual Revolution of the LGBTQ+
September 08, 2022

The LGBTQ+ coalition has been one of the greatest political success stories of the last half century. The speed, depth and scope of this revolution is impressive. But a closer look reveals some serious fault lines within the coalition. If the ideology beh

Episode 119 – Plastic People, Liquid World
September 01, 2022

We used to find our identity and belongingfrom a shared national narrative. Our families, our churches and our nation provided a moral framework and a national identity which created a sense of belonging and unity. With the advent of the internet, we are

Episode 118 – Revolt of the Masses
August 25, 2022

Our world used to be relatively stable and fixed. All we needed to do to successfully navigate life was to find our place within it. But things have drastically changed. We now live in a world that is both plastic and fluid. While we have more choices tha