Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 147 – Righteous Government with Ryan McCann
March 23, 2023

I am joined today by Ryan McCann, Executive Director of the Indiana Family Institute. Ryan and IFI work tirelessly to create an environment in Indiana where families can thrive. We talk today about the importance of God honoring public policy. Ryan addres

Episode 146 – Rationality: What made the West a thinking civilization?
March 16, 2023

The scientific, technological, military, and economic success of the West came from the fact that it became a thinking civilization.Where did this confidence in reason, thought, logic, and the mind come from? For Christians, the ultimate reality behind th

Episode 145 – Human Beings: Lifelong Burdens or Limitless Blessings?
March 09, 2023

While contemporary secularists posit our modern understanding of human rights with the ancient Greeks, we refute this myth while demonstrating that a high view of human value and dignity actually finds its roots in the Bible. How did our Christian concept

Episode 144 – The Building Blocks of Reality
March 02, 2023

Ideas are the infrastructure of ultimate reality. It follows that ideas have consequences. Our notions of what is good, true and beautiful literally contain the power to shape nations. In the opening the Apostle John's gospel, he elegantly outlines what I

Episode 143 – Why Woke Goes Broke
February 23, 2023

On today's podcast we celebrate the exciting move of the Holy Spirit taking place primarily on Christian University campuses. We talk about the importance of both heart and head, fire and light, Word and Spirit. Spiritual awakenings in the heart must be m

Episode 142 – Rescuing Public Education from Politically Correct Groupthink
February 16, 2023

Cultures cannot survive without a unifying, shared comprehensive worldview. In America, the Bible has been the foundation of our common culture. American ideals such as freedom, justice and truth found their intellectual moorings in the Scriptures. These

Episode 141 – A Clear Target
February 02, 2023

Having a dream is only the first step. The next step is to own it.But were not finished yet. You can have a dream, own the dream and still fall flat on your face. How? It's called FOG. If our dreams are foggy, we become paralyzed by indecision and stre

Episode 140 – Own Your Dream
January 26, 2023

One of the greatest joys we share with God is our ability to dream. Unfortunately, many of us have stopped dreaming. We find ourselves trapped in an endless cycle of simply going through the motions of life. For the dreamless, life becomes a joyless ritua

Episode 139 – Resolutions: The Power of Belief
January 19, 2023

Godly resolves mixed with faith are good and serve to grow us and to expand Christ's kingdom. Unfortunately, we can't move forward if we simply believe we are destined to fail. We become on the outside what we believe on the inside. If we are cynical abou

Episode 138 – Intentional Impact
January 12, 2023

We've all played the New Year's resolution game, and if you're like most people, the results have been less than spectacular! So the general conclusionfor many is to just skip the whole process. After all,it's doomed for failure! The problem is that God