Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 157 – Morality: Why are some less corrupt?
June 01, 2023

Corruption is a cancer to any healthy society. It not only destroys a nation's economy, but it also destroys a people's soul. Empirical data shows that countries most influenced by the Bible are the least corrupt. Why is this true? And is there any hope f

Episode 156 – Science: What is its Source?
May 25, 2023

In our American culture it is fashionable to pit religion and science as mortal enemies. You can have faith or reason but you can't have both, or so we are told. But this scenario could not be farther from the actual truth. Science did not emerge in a vac

Episode 155 – Special Guest: Seth Gruber - The White Rose Resistance
May 18, 2023

In this episode I am joined by Seth Gruber. Seth is the CEO and Founder of the White Rose Resistance, and host of the popular podcast "Unaborted." A nationally known human rights activist and sought after speaker, Seth is fighting for a world where every

Episode 154 – Education: Why Educate your Subjects?
May 11, 2023

Americans enjoy approximately 6000 different choices in the area of higher education. Globally there are over 25,000 colleges and universities. Education is something open to all and encouraged by all. So how did we reach this place? If you roll back the

Episode 153 – Literature: Why did Pilgrims build nations?
May 04, 2023

The ideas and language of the Bible have radically shaped western civilization. This is why a knowledge of the Scriptures is absolutely essential to understand both English literature and the ideas that have shaped American culture. So why is this the cas

Episode 152 – Language: How was intellectual power democratized?
April 27, 2023

Why is it that for many Americans the word "nationalism" has become a word of derision? What's wrong with having a love for one's country? In today's podcast we'll discuss the biblical origins of the concept of nation-states and the value of biblical nati

Episode 151 – Revolution: How Bible translators became world changers
April 20, 2023

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. Most Americans own a copy or two. But did you know the Bible we enjoy today is covered in the blood and sacrifice of many reformers who were willing to die for the Truth it proclaims? Why would kings and pop

Episode 150 – Heroism: How did a defeated Messiah conquer the World?
April 13, 2023

Heroes. We all have them. But what determines the heroes of a given culture? In short, what is deemed heroic is based upon what a culture values. Prior to the life of Jesus, heroes were people who had the power to conquer and dominate others. Men like Ale

Episode 149 – Technology: What is responsible for the technological prowess of the West?
April 06, 2023

Why did the West begin using our minds to do what most cultures do with their muscles?umanizing technology came from biblical theology. It's the fIn ther words, why can you still see women in certain parts of the world hauling water on their heads? As w

Episode 148 – Special Guest: Ivan Tait - Supernatural Living
March 30, 2023

I am joined today by Ivan Tait, the CEO of What Matters Ministries and Missions, a ministry committed to serving widows, orphans and the poor. Ivan's ministry is marked by powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit's presence. Today we talk about the mini