Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

E167 Venerating Our Heroes
August 10, 2023

Heroes are vitally important to the health of any nation. When Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle, David composed a funeral song and commanded that it be taught to the people of Israel. He wanted future generations to know of the heroic sacrifices of

E166 George Whitefield & American Independence
August 03, 2023

What united a loosely connected group of individual colonies into a single people with a common identity as Americans? The answer: George Whitefield and the First Great Awakening. After three decades of anointed, tireless preaching, a remarkable 80% of th

E165 The Golden Triangle of Freedom
July 27, 2023

Americans are freedom loving people! Our founding Fathers did a magnificent job securing our liberty by winning the Revolution. They secured and ordered those liberties by giving us a Constitution. The real issue before us now is how do we sustain the pre

E164 The Idea of America
July 20, 2023

Today we begin our discussion of Eric Metaxas' best-selling book,_If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty._In 1776 a nation was formed in a way that was absolutely unique in human history. It was something entirely new: the nation

Episode 163 – The Future: Must the Sun set on the West?
July 13, 2023

Some have suggested that America is in her twilight. The sun is setting, and darkness is quickly encroaching. Are we doomed to a future of moral debauchery and depravity? What we are witnessing is the fruit of a godless, materialistic worldview which redu

Episode 162 – Mission: Can Stone Age Tribe help Globalization?
July 06, 2023

When Christians share the good news of the gospel with others, especially those from different cultures, we are often accused of being ethnocentric or imperialistic. Our modern culture chides us for thinking one culture might be doing things better than a

Episode 161 – Liberty
June 29, 2023

While we prepare to celebrate another national birthday, it's important to understand the cause for American strength and stability. Thankfully, America is not a democracy, because democracies don't last long. Our founders opted for a constitutional repub

Episode 160 – True Wealth: How did Stewardship become Spirituality?
June 22, 2023

Why are some nations so poor and others so rich?Do cultural beliefs and values condemn whole cultures to poverty?Does inner wealth produce material wealth? What type of worldview is necessary to inspire engineers and entrepreneurs to create labor saving

Episode 159 – Compassion: Why did Caring become a Medical Commitment?
June 15, 2023

Compassionate care for the sick, the weak and the elderly has become a hallmark of America. Why is this the case? Other worldviews show little concern for the weak and infirmed. Medical knowledge alone does not create a caring, compassionate culture. It w

Episode 158 – Family
June 08, 2023

Four decades after the failed French Revolution, Alexis de Tocqueville, a French magistrate, came to the United States seeking explanations for the success of American democracy. He published his findings in his two-volume classic, Democracy in America. Y