Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

E177 Two Errors of Faith
October 19, 2023

Episode 177What happened to the robust, passionate faith of Luther, a faith that was willing to die if necessary for truth? According to Bonhoeffer, it had dwindled to a faith of mere intellectual assent. The faith of the German Church had been reduced t

E176 The Spiral of Silence
October 12, 2023

Episode 176Deitrich Bonhoeffer experienced first-hand the failure of the Church to address the evils of his day. He understood "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltles

E175 12,000 Pastors
October 05, 2023

Episode 175 In response to Hitler's "cancelling" of Jewish people from full participation in German life, Deitrich Bonhoeffer helped to draft the Barmen Declaration. This document served to draw a clear line in the sand between the National Rei

E174 The Church and the Jewish Question
September 28, 2023

On January 31, 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power as chancellor of Germany. What followed was nothing short of a "fundamental transformation" of German culture. Hitler acted with lightning speed to bring about a "synchronization" of Germ

E173 Unless You Repent
September 21, 2023

On Reformation Sunday, November 6, 1932, Dietrich Bonhoffer stood in the pulpit of the leading church in all of Germany and delivered a prophetic call for the church to return to Jesus, her first love. The fiery church of Luther was gone. In its place was

E172 Redefining The Gospel
September 14, 2023

In his book, Letter to the American Church, Eric Metaxes asks, "How is it that so many in the American Church of our time have shrunk back from public engagement, and quietly assented to the decidedly unbiblical—and decidedly un-American and unconsti

E171 The Role of the Church
September 07, 2023

The pandemic exposed a great deal of ambiguity concerning the role of the Church. Many pastors and their congregations were confused over where to find their marching orders. Do we blindly comply with the directives of unelected "health experts?&quot

E170 Loving America
August 31, 2023

Patriotism has fallen on hard times in America. Perhaps it's because we are more divided than ever over what it means to love our country. One side of the ideological camp focuses on all of the great things America has done throughout history. The other s

E169 American Exceptionalism
August 24, 2023

The concept of American exceptionalism is controversial largely because it is tragically misunderstood. Is America exceptional? If so, what is so special about America? What sets us apart from all of the nations of the world? Why is this understanding so

E168 The Importance of Moral Leadership
August 17, 2023

How important is the character of our leaders if we hope to keep the fragile republic of ordered freedoms entrusted to us? Many today conveniently compartmentalize a leader's character from his/her competencies. One's ability to "get the job done&quo