Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

E187 Clash of the Gods
January 04, 2024

The birth of Christ initiated the violent clash of two opposing kingdoms. The good news is Jesus won! As the gospel spread throughout the earth, the old gods were driven out and the gospel of the kingdom brought blessing and freedom everywhere Christ was

E186 The gods were everywhere!
December 21, 2023

Episode 186In the ancient world, the gods were everywhere. Wherever there were people, there were gods. While the names of the gods varied depending upon the culture and nation, behind those false deities of the pagan world were demonic spirits (Deuteron

E185 Return of the gods: The Mystery
December 14, 2023

For most of us, the America we grew up in is utterly unrecognizable. In fact, it's not limited to America alone. It is as if a spell has been cast on Western Civilization itself and the transformation has been taking place at lightning speed. Simple truth

E184 Religionless Christianity
December 07, 2023

In one of his letters written during his imprisonment by the Nazi's, Bonhoeffer wondered whether we needed a "religionless Christianity." Was he advocating a Christianity without Christ or sound doctrine? Was he seeking an ecumenical movement ro

E183 Justifying Ourselves
November 30, 2023

Today we talk about the trap of moralism where Christians focus on keeping the letter of the Law but miss the heart, the essence, of what the Law intends. The German Church cooperated with Nazi authorities using Romans 13 as the justification. For them, b

E182 Thanksgiving 2023: The Lord is Good!
November 23, 2023

I am joined today on this special Thanksgiving podcast by my lovely wife, Marion! We begin with the first Thanksgiving Proclamation issued by George Washington highlighting the undeniably Christian roots of our founding as a nation. We read a second procl

E181 Who Do You Say God is?
November 16, 2023

Ohio voters adopted Issue 1, which creates a constitutional right to abortion. What's even more disturbing is that an estimated 20% of the voters were evangelicals, and 30% of evangelical voters voted in favor of abortion on demand throughout the entire t

E180 Be Ye Not Political
November 09, 2023

The Church of Jesus Christ is called to be the conscience of the State. When the Church fails to speak for those who have no voice, we shirk our God-given responsibility, and everyone suffers from our silence. How can we speak prophetically to the most cr

E179 Speaking the Truth in Love
November 02, 2023

A common error among Christians today is to suppress the Truth in favor of demonstrating "love." We avoid the contentious and controversial issues of our day in the name of loving our neighbor. However, truth and love emanate from the same Sourc

E178 The Idol of Evangelism
October 26, 2023

There are many pastors today who argue that the Church should focus exclusively on evangelism. "What is more valuable than a soul?" they argue. It follows that speaking about anything that might offend an unbeliever is of secondary importance an