10 on Tech

10 on Tech

Latest Episodes

092 – Prepare Yourself for ‘Phishing 2.0’
October 12, 2020

Phishing is evolving. The bad guys are getting better at tricking end users and getting their information, and they’re starting to use more sophisticated techniques, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML),

091  – Minimizing Cloud ‘Sticker Shock’
September 14, 2020

It’s becoming an increasingly common story: a company moves some operations and data to the cloud, figuring all its problems will be solved. - Then the bill comes. Heart attacks ensue. And just as swiftly, the company pulls back from the cloud. -

090  – Blurring the Memory/Storage Lines
June 29, 2020

It’s the age-old IT tradeoff: the speed of memory, with its lack of persistence, vs. storage, which is slower but persistent. More and more, however, this tradeoff is being minimized, with new technologies offering the promise of both speed and persist...

089  – The Cloud and the Pandemic
June 22, 2020

Coronavirus has taken a terrible toll on the world, and changed everything. On the IT side, one of the most obvious ways things have changed is the “new normal” of cloud computing moving to the center of operations. -

088  – Moore’s Law Is Dead: What It Means for Storage
June 15, 2020

Moore’s Law, which held that processor speeds would double every 18 months to 2 years, is dead, according to Pliops President/CBO Steve Fingerhut. Because of that, the burden now falls on storage to provide the kind of performance that the current IT e...

087  – Tech Conferences Ain’t Dead!
June 01, 2020

COVID-19 has changed everything, and hit every area of life. That’s also true for the tech industry, and no part of our industry has been hit harder than tech conferences. What’s their future? - That’s what ActualTech Media Partner James Green and Has...

086 – Kubernetes Grows Up
May 25, 2020

How is Kubernetes like the virtualization industry? They both got their start as niche technologies, but as their usefulness became evident, they started to get more mainstream adoption. That led to more development of the technology,

085 – Don’t be Scared of Security
May 18, 2020

There are many things to be worried about these days when it comes to IT security. There’s so much to know that it can be difficult to even know how to get started. As ActualTech Media Partner James Green says in this edition of “10 on Tech” with Devol...

083 – The ‘Keys’ to Proper Key Management
May 12, 2020

It may seem odd at first glance for a traditional storage company like StorMagic to branch out into the area of security—specifically, key management. - But as StorMagic Chief Marketing and Product Officer Bruce Kornfeld explains,

084 – Proper Cybersecurity Starts With Getting Back To Basics
April 20, 2020

You know you need to implement proper cybersecurity in your environment. But how do you do that? Where do you even start? That’s the topic of this episode of “10 on Tech,” featuring Liam Downward and Michael Hogue of Data Spotlite. -