Youth Baseball Talk

Latest Episodes
Why are kids quitting?
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, The numbers are out and they aren’t good. While not limited to just baseball it appears that kids are quitting sports and turning their attention elsewhere. Some will blame video games and while that may be true I ha...
When did we lose the “team first” concept?
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, Days of not being able to wait for the first team workout in the offseason have been replaced with, “nah, I’m gonna do my own thing” and we have to ask how that happened.
Parents, please stay out of their way!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, As news spreads of another parent suing a school district over getting cut we have to ask ourselves how in the world that is in any way helping the kid. Join us for this episode of Youth Baseball Talk!
Fun or mechanics?
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, As a coach I’m committed to helping kids learn how fun the game can be just as much as I want to teach them about mechanics. Why can’t we do both? Join us for this episode of Youth Baseball Talk!
Young Coaches Getting Better!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, As the game evolves we need more young coaches in the game. While some of us are labeled, “old school”, it makes me wonder if we couldn’t use a little of that as we teach these youngsters how it is done.
Metal vs. Wood, you make the call…
On the latest Youth baseball Talk, If you are willing to spend the money there is no doubt that wood bats are made better than ever but are necessary for the development of a player? Join us for this episode of Youth Baseball Talk!
Don’t discourage multi-sport athletes.
On the latest Youth baseball Talk, We increasingly find ourselves dealing with the pressure of not committing to one sport at a young age as the feeling of “not wanting to get left behind” creeps into the parents’ minds.
Base running, a forgotten skill?
On the latest Youth baseball Talk, All we seem to talk about anymore is launch angle, exit speed and velocity… As I watch real baseball games these days it is no surprise to me that baserunning has taken a real hit as a skill in today’s game… Join u...
Why not watch and learn from the best!
On the latest Youth baseball Talk, We as coaches and parents can learn so much from just watching the best do what they do but what can our kids learn just by watching the best in the game? Join us for this episode of Youth Baseball Talk!
So you want to play college baseball??
On the latest Youth baseball Talk, The recruiting process for college baseball can provide some really rough waters. Today we discuss some of the bigger myths when it comes to being recruited to play at the collegiate level.