Youth Baseball Talk

Latest Episodes
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, It’s the end of February and with that comes tryouts for high school baseball. At this point, there isn’t much to say to help someone other than to remind them to make sure after its over they can look back with no re...
Get em going!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, It’s time to stop the front toss and BP and let them pitch to one another. Not sure when we started protecting kids from kids in Americas greatest game but it has to stop. How else are they supposed to get ready?
Who is doing the coaching here??
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, I am ashamed to say that nothing ceases to amaze me anymore when it comes to coaching ten-year-olds to win rather than coaching them to get better and winning as a result.
Handling multiple coaches!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, In today’s world little Johnny may have a pitching coach, a hitting coach, a strength coach, a mental coach, and a dietician but what about his team coach? The question of the day is how do we all get along?
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, Jim is back from Dallas and shares his thoughts on this year’s ABCA convention along with what he has learned that will help us all move forward. Rope Report: Play, Coach & Parent with Positivity!
Never stop learning!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, If you choose to coach then you have an obligation to be the best coach you can be. There are many levels of coaches but not caring isn’t an option.. Get better or get out folks!
Keep on learning!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, I had the chance to attend an ABCA barnstorming clinic this week and the message from some of the presenters all contained something about having a relationship with your players..
Congrats, now the real work begins!
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, You often times hear that playing college baseball is like a job. Many want the rewards but don’t want to put in the work. It’s the offseason around here and I can’t believe the number of people that have zero idea w...
Are you turning your players into “CAGE WARRIORS?”
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, I hear it all the time, your son can hit in the cage but not in the games… There are many reasons for this but some involve simple logic that we may be imparting on the kids by the way we practice.
What are you teaching your players?
On the latest Youth Baseball Talk, There are many ways to skin a cat, but are we making kids robots these days? Join us for this episode of Youth Baseball Talk! About the Show: Website: Youth Baseball Talk Facebook: @youthbaseballtalk Twitter: @baseba...