Change You Choose

Change You Choose

Latest Episodes

How to Cure Cancer: Creating A Healthy Post-Trauma Lifestyle
July 30, 2014

I love success stories! Whether your mission is to discover how to cure cancer or to learn how to live more healthily so that you give your body as much support as possible to reduce your chance of developing cancer, my discussion with Shan Musselman will

Neurofeedback and Developmental Trauma: Healing Happens
July 23, 2014

If you've ever faced these two facts then you've been in the market for trauma recovery support: 1) You struggle to maintain functionality in a world fraught with and overwhelmed by symptoms of posttraumatic stress 2) You've been in talk (or other thera

How Advanced Directives Keep You In Control
July 16, 2014

As trauma survivors there's one moment (or many) for each of us when we look ahead and say, "What if________???" As in, what if something really horrible happens to me? Often, we spend those thoughts on how to prevent disaster, which is a great place to

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
July 09, 2014

In my own trauma recovery I reached a day when I just wanted to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! My recovery was far from complete, but I started researching healing modalities that would allow me to stop reliving the trauma and its issues and start finding a new w

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
July 09, 2014

In my own trauma recovery I reached a day when I just wanted to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! My recovery was far from complete, but I started researching healing modalities that would allow me to stop reliving the trauma and its issues and start finding a new w

Anger and Trauma: Do They Go Hand In Hand?
July 03, 2014

Anger and trauma, I'll admit, were a potent cocktail for me. If before my trauma I rarely argued afterward I was always spoiling for a fight -- especially if you were a close friend or loved one. The more I trusted you the more I unleashed me full wrath u

Anger and Trauma: Do They Go Hand In Hand?
July 03, 2014

Anger and trauma, I'll admit, were a potent cocktail for me. If before my trauma I rarely argued afterward I was always spoiling for a fight -- especially if you were a close friend or loved one. The more I trusted you the more I unleashed me full wrath u

Surviving The International War Zone
June 25, 2014

Surviving the international war zone is about more than just coming out alive, it's about what you learn and the stories you carry with you. My guest for this interview was Robert Rail, author of the book, Surviving the International War Zone. As you can

Surviving The International War Zone
June 25, 2014

Surviving the international war zone is about more than just coming out alive, it's about what you learn and the stories you carry with you. My guest for this interview was Robert Rail, author of the book, Surviving the International War Zone. As you can

Complex PTSD: Reclaiming Identity After Trauma
June 18, 2014

Complex PTSD survivor, Molly Marshall, says, "We are born into this world conscious but not awake." What she means is that we are awakened later in life, by experiences. For Molly (and so many surivovors, including me) awakening comes from trauma and the