Change You Choose

Change You Choose

Neurofeedback and Developmental Trauma: Healing Happens

July 23, 2014

If you’ve ever faced these two facts then you’ve been in the market for trauma recovery support:

1) You struggle to maintain functionality in a world fraught with and overwhelmed by symptoms of posttraumatic stress

2) You’ve been in talk (or other therapy) and are not witnessing a reduction in symptoms of fear, panic, anxiety and other physical and/or emotional impairment.

When I first engaged in trauma recovery I had no idea that there were treatment approaches outside of the traditional psychotherapy model. When years of talk therapy didn’t bring the reduction in symptoms I had hoped for I quickly discovered there were a host of other approaches that could help. In fact, I put together a program of other approaches that brought me to where I am today: 100% free of symptoms.

I wish I’d known back then about neurofeedback and its benefits in trauma recvoery. On today’s episode of Changing Direction, I interviewed neurofeedback expert, Sebern Fisher, about her new book, Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma, and the positive effects she’s witnessed in her own practice.

For starters, here’s Sebern’s philosophy:

 PTSD is more a brain disorder than a psychological disorder.

On the show we covered:

  • a simple definition of developmental trauma
  • the basic process of neurofeedback
  • how neurofeedback helps heal developmental trauma
  • how to know if you would be a good candidate for this process

Plus, Sebern shared some terrific success stories from her own experience, including how a woman who was on 5 heavy duty psychotropic medications (anti-psychotics, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety) now off everything for several years and psychiatrically discharged. Her husband says she is a different person. These kinds of success stories always reinforce for me how possible healing can be.

Fave quote: 

I asked Sebern if she believed developmental trauma could be healed. She responded,

I wouldn’t have written this book if I didn’t believe it.


Sebern F. Fisher, MA, is a psychotherapist and neurofeedback practitioner in private practice who specializes in attachment issues. She trains professionals nationally and internationally on neurofeedback, neurofeedback and attachment disorder, and the integration of neurofeedback with psychotherapy. She lives in Northampton, Massachusetts. You can find out more about Sebern at