You Need Therapy!

You Need Therapy!

Therapy Stigma

September 09, 2015

You Need Therapy! is a new podcast (unless you're reading this 6 months from now, in which case- can you believe we're still doing this podcast? It's been 6 whole months without quitting!) where Shannon Amabile, a comedian/Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and Dara Laine, a comedian/licensed Know-It-All discuss different topics and how they relate to psychology and self-help. 
In today's inaugural episode Dara and Shannon talk about the stigma sometimes attached to going to therapy and how to get over it and ya'self. 
If you have any questions about problems in your life, your relationships, your mental health, true crime/serial killers or what personality disorder we think Lindsay Lohan has tweet us and hashtag it #youneedtherapypod or email us at or ask us anonymously on our tumblr 
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This has been a great session. We really did the work today and made a lot of breakthroughs. Have a good one and don't forget to see Deborah in billing on your way out.