Yale Religion

Yale Religion

Latest Episodes

The Quadcast – Digital devotion: Christianity online
October 11, 2017

Yale Divinity School Professor Teresa Berger discusses how digital media is fostering online faith communities and religious practice.

Eight Decades of Women at Yale Divinity School
September 28, 2011

Opening ceremony of the “Eight Decades of Women at YDS” celebration, Oct. 11, 2010.

Rehabilitating Human Sacrifice in a Christian Context
July 14, 2008

The Liturgy Symposium Series is presented by the Institute of Sacred Music. The series features liturgical scholars and practitioners selected by the chair of the Program on Liturgical Studies, Bryan Spinks.

Medieval Crusades and Today’s Global Conflicts
July 01, 2008

Paul Freedman, Chester D. Tripp Professor of History, explores and dispels modern misconceptions regarding historical European tensions in the Middle East, providing illumination of major events from the Crusades to a more modern era.

The University Church: A Spiritual Home for 250 Years
October 25, 2007

The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor, Harry R. Butman Professor in Religion and Philosophy at Peidmont College, preached the sermon at The University Church’s 250th Anniversary Worship Service at Battell Chapel.

The Lion, the Kiwi, and the Sacred Cow: A look at contemporary language in English Liturgies
October 01, 2007

Dr. Peter Davies, publisher of "Alien Rights: A Critical Examination of Contemporary English in Anglican Liturgies", addresses the topic in this presentation and netcast.

Creation of a sand mandala at the Yale Peabody Museum
October 01, 2007

David Heiser, Head of Education and Outreach at the Yale Peabody Museum, speaks with Namgyal monks about their creation.

A Politically Engaged Spirituality
August 15, 2007

William Sloane Coffin, Jr., Yale University Chaplain 1958-75, challenges the church to respond to biblical mandates.

The Environmental Crisis as Spiritual and Moral Crisis
August 15, 2007

Mary Evelyn Tucker, Research Scholar and Senior Lecturer, Yale Divinity School, gives a lecture on the spiritual and ethical dimensions of the environmental crisis.

Civic Restlessness, Sustainable Communities, and the Land
August 15, 2007

Willis Jenkins, Margaret Farley Assistant Professor of Social Ethics, Yale Divinity School, delivers a sermon arguing the case for "civic restlessness".