X22 Report

X22 Report

[DS] Has Been Caught Committing Treason, Trump Sends A Message, Get Ready To Celebrate – Ep. 3083

May 31, 2023

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[DS] Has Been Caught Committing Treason, Trump Sends A Message, Get Ready To CelebrateClick On Picture To See Larger PictureGermany is now limiting the peoples food, they are beginning the process into making them bugs, as the [WEF] pushes the people will push back. The debt ceiling is going to light the fuse on the economy and it will begin the implosion. The Fed set the stage and now the Patriots will use the crisis to their advantage. The [DS] is panicking. the FBI has decided to allow Comer to see the FD 1023. Biden has become a liability and the [DS] is now in the process of removing him. Trump caught them all, they  are treasonous to this country and each election year he has shown how they interfered in the election. Trump sent a message that there will be a 250 years celebration in 2025 signaling that the plan is going as planned.


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Funds will flow out of stocks and bank accounts to purchase this debt (if investors want it) Can the market handle this?




Citizen Free Press@CitizenFreePress

  • If you’re wondering why certain employees at Fox news are telling viewers to chill on the boycotts, it’s because Fox News is about to embrace all the same DEI policies as Target and Bud Light.

COMPLETE COLLAPSE: Bud Light Suffers Worst Week Ever – Mexican Competitor Now Poised to Surpass Woke Company as World’s Number 1 Beer

Bud Light got hit with their most devastating news yet according to a new report.

According to data provided to the New York Post Tuesday, sales for Bud Light are so catastrophic that they are on the verge of losing their status as the world’s number one beer brand to a Mexican competitor.

  • The latest numbers show Bud Light sales tumbled nearly 26%. This marks the worst week Bud Light has ever had.

  •  The greatest beneficiary of Bud Light’s misfortune has been Modelo Especial, a Mexican beer import. Its sales surged over 9% for the week ending May 20 according to Bump Williams Consulting and NielsonIQ data. Modelo Especial is now poised to supplant Bud Light as the world’s number one beer.

  •  Yuengling, which is “America’s Oldest Brewery,” surged a whopping 47.6%  


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

White House cuts another top Biden nominee amid mounting opposition

  • The White House unexpectedly withdrew President Joe Biden’s nomination of Ann Carlson to lead a Department of Transportation safety subagency late Tuesday.

    In a surprise release, the White House said it had informed the Senate that Carlson’s nomination had been withdrawn. Biden nominated Carlson in February to be the administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the nomination had been transmitted to the Senate Commerce Committee a month later. 

Source: foxnews.com

Rep. Chris Stewart plans to resign from Congress

  • The Utah Republican congressman is expected to announce his departure from the House of Representatives soon, several sources told The Salt Lake Tribune.
  • U.S. Rep. Chris Stewart plans to resign his seat in Congress. That announcement could come as early as Wednesday morning.
  • Multiple sources have confirmed to The Salt Lake Tribune that Stewart announced his plan to resign, citing ongoing health issues with his wife. It was unclear what those health issues may be.




  • James Comer says that they are “already in the process of drafting legislation to hold an Oversight Committee markup (meeting) next week to hold Director Wray in contempt of Congress.”
  • He went on to explain that it will look similar to what the Democrats did with Steve Bannon.


  •  The D’s set the precedent or template
  • So the House will vote to hold the FBI Director in contempt of Congress, which will then be sent to DOJ/FBI so Wray can decide whether or not to bring criminal charges against himself.


  • The FBI says they will cooperate with the Oversight Committee, but state they fear that turning over the documents “could potentially jeopardize investigations and put lives at risk.”
  • Interesting.
  • Also of note, Kevin McCarthy called Comer this morning to get a status update.





Biden Assault Accuser Seeks Asylum in Russia – Blames US for Nordstream Pipeline Explosion 

  • In a statement released earlier this month, Tara Reade, the former staffer who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, placed blame on Biden if something happened to her.
  • Recall, Tara Reade accused her former boss then-Senator Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993.
  • “He sexually assaulted me in 1993 when I worked as his staffer,” Reade said. “Mia Farrow then when I came forward publicly, he used his power and resources to destroy me. Stop. It is more than a little painful to read about his “moral center” that is a PR image not reality.”


  • Reade said in 1993, then-Senator Joe Biden pushed her up against the wall and penetrated her with his fingers.
  • In an interview with Megyn Kelly, Tara Reade began by explaining how she was given a duffel bag and told to “hurry” up and give it to then-Senator Biden.
  • She caught up with Biden in a corridor in the Russel building to give him his gym bag and that’s when he sexually assaulted her.
  • “He greeted me, he remembered my name. I handed him the bag, and it happened very quickly,” Reade said. “I remember — I remember being pushed up against the wall and thinking…the first thought I had was ‘where’s the bag,’ which is absurd thought.”

  • Earlier this month, Tara Reade said Biden would be behind her death if something happened to her, adding that she’s not suicidal.
  • “I want to make something clear. If something happens to me, all roads lead to Joe Biden,” she wrote.
  • “Joe Biden and DNC political machine threats, bullying and intimidation over the last three years will not work. I am not suicidal. I should not be under investigation nor am I a foreign agent. I am a private citizen,” she added.
  • Tara Reade was serious.  This weekend Tara Reade held an interview with Russia’s Sputnik news. She traveled to Russia recently after she felt threatened in the US.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Oct 21, 2020 8:58:24 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7769ae No. 11200113 

Do you remember when #MeToo lost all credibility when they refused to support Tara READE coming forward re: claims of sexual assault by Joe Biden? Political movement?

Liz Crokin@lizcrokin

  • Today it was reported that Hyatt Hotels Chairman Tom Pritkzer had a scheduled meeting with Jeffrey Epstein at a Hyatt hotel in New York City in 2014.
  • – Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre claimed she was forced to have sex with Pritzker.
  • – Pritzker was listed as “Numero Uno” in Epstein’s Black Book. Epstein had a dozen numbers for him including an emergency contact number.
  • – Pritzker fought the court to keep records sealed shedding light on his relationship with the serial pedophile.









Geopolitical/Police State



North Korea Vows New Satellite Launch as Seoul Recovers Suspected Rocket Debris

  •  Prior to the launch, North Korea issued a warning that it would be launching a reconnaissance satellite in response to ongoing military drills begin carried out near the Korean Peninsula.
  • North Korea vowed Wednesday to conduct a second satellite launch after engine issues forced its earlier effort to crash into the sea.
  • State media specified the launch’s demise was the result of a technical issue that took place when the second stage of the rocket failed to ignite and prompted the projectile to lose power and fall into the Yellow Sea. 
  • Officials have underscored that a second launch would be held “in the nearest future” once authorities are able to correct the tech issue. South Korean military has suggested a launch would be undertaken sometime before June 11, as previously timelined by North Korea. 
Source: sputniknews.com

Russia 2-3 days ago hit Ukraine’s military intelligence center — Putin

  • Earlier on Tuesday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that the Russian Armed Forces had carried out high accuracy strikes on the central decision-making facilities of the Ukrainian army, where terrorist attacks against Russian territory had been planned under the guidance of Western secret services.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said the Russian military had hit Ukraine’s military intelligence center.

source: tass.com

Obama, Biden, Nuland, HRC overthrough the Ukrainian gov.

Ukraine fires missile into Poland blames it on Russia

Nordstream is blown up

Pentagon paper leak, reveals spring offensive, which was going to be a disaster for Ukraine

Drone flown into Russia try to Assassinate Putin

Ukraine stages an incursion into Russia with US made equipement

Russia hits the intelligence center where this was planned

Ukraine flies drones into Russia and they are shotdown.

False Flags

Andrew Cuomo and Donald Trump Join Forces, and We Need to Talk About It

  •  Andrew Cuomo latched onto Trump’s claim. In a post, the former New York governor praised Trump for telling the “truth,” while agreeing with the former president that his state did do better than Florida.

  • Let me just set the record straight here. Cuomo was an awful governor of New York. He stuffed nursing homes full of COVID-positive patients, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of people that may have otherwise lived. He also kept his state locked down for the better part of two years only to end up with a death rate that tracked with the factors I explained above. He instituted a laughable, scientifically illiterate regime of vaccine passports. He kept schools closed. He shut down businesses.

Source: redstate.com


36 months ago these same people were demanding that officials defund the police.

Oakland City Council Votes to Defund Police, Stripping More Than $17M from Department Budget


AOC Has Melt Down Over AOC Parody Twitter Account Mocking Her Stupidity

  • Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (NY) on Tuesday melted down over a parody Twitter account mocking her stupidity.
  • The Twitter account, “AOCPress” – clearly identifies itself as parody.

  • However, AOC is melting down because the parody account is perfectly illustrating how braindead she is.


  • “FYI there’s a fake account on here impersonating me and going viral. The Twitter CEO has engaged it, boosting visibility,” AOC said in a tweet blasting Elon Musk for replying to the parody account. “It is releasing false policy statements and gaining spread.”
  • “I am assessing with my team how to move forward. In the meantime, be careful of what you see,” she said.


The responses were hilarious.





AOCPress posted the exact same tweet in an effort to mock the Democrat lawmaker for being concerned people would actually fall for a parody account.

It’s nearly impossible to distinguish the difference between AOC’s real tweets and the parody tweets.


The AOC parody account fired off a series of hilarious tweets after setting Twitter ablaze.

“Today feels like Jan 6 all over again,” AOC Press tweeted.


“I’m having my staff report every single tweet that makes fun of me to the DOJ.” AOC Press tweeted.


  • When asked what they hope to accomplish with the AOC parody account, the individual told The Gateway Pundit: “To highlight her stupidity and show the world how dumb she actually is.”

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Seth Keshel – “Captain K”@RealSKeshel

  • What Kari Lake and team are practicing here is Alinsky’s 5th rule for radicals – RIDICULE
  • Trump did and does the same and beat his opponents into oblivion.
  • The intellectual right tries to be above this – because they don’t realize they’re being shot at and that this is an all-out war for a free future.

Hooooooooly crap.


bf6c621c39b82c15.jpgPoll: No Bump for DeSantis from Announcement as Trump Still Leads by 34 Points

  • Former President Donald Trump leads the crowded Republican primary field by 34 points over his closest potential competitor, according to a Morning Consult poll that surveyed Republican voters after Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) presidential bid on May 24.
  • The poll, which sampled respondents from May 26-28, found little movement for DeSantis after he launched a presidential bid last week. It also showed Trump maintaining a large lead over GOP hopefuls. 
Source: breitbart.com

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Kayleigh “Milktoast”McEnany just gave out the wrong poll numbers on FoxNews. I am 34 points up on DeSanctimonious, not 25 up. While 25 is great, it’s not 34. She knew the number was corrected upwards by the group that did the poll. The RINOS & Globalists can have her. FoxNews should only use REAL Stars!!!




of a person timid, meek, or unassertive

Do we really want a someone who is a milquetoast halfhearted candidate or someone who will defend the Constitution with every fiber of her being?—Dana B. Orr

lacking in character or vigor WISHY-WASHY

… after declining multiple opportunities to comment during the reporting of the story, he finally produced a most milquetoast statement Friday.—Jerry Brewer

Did you know?

Why is it milquetoast, and not milk toast?

Caspar Milquetoast is a comic strip character created in 1924 by cartoonist Harold T. Webster. Beginning a few years after the character’s debut, the term milquetoast came to describe a timid or meek person. Caspar’s last name is fitting because milk toast is a weak, bland concoction of buttered toast served in a dish of warm milk.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Headed up by the use of the DOJ & FBI, together with local D.A.’s(they put a top DOJ Official into D.A. Alvin Bragg’s Office to call the shots against me. Never happened before. A bull…. Case!) & A.G.’s. A totally RIGGED SYSTEM used to take out a political opponent through ELECTION INTERFERENCE!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4b50f0 No.9600426
Jun 13 2020 15:10:58 (EST)


Everything you see today is an attempt to eliminate that.

To remain silent _living in fear [controlled] is to remain powerless.

A Moment In Time.

History has taught us that People Will Rise [Judgement [Revolution] Day] against the Rulers.

From Pharaohs to Kings to Elected Officials.

A rigged system of control and corruption [evil].
[on the backs of people]

Modern day slavery.

People Will Rise Again.

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6d572c No.7555466
Dec 18 2019 22:52:52 (EST)
It must be done right.

It must be done according to the rule of law.

It must carry weight.

It must be proven in the court of law.

There can be no mistakes.

Good things sometimes take time.

Attempts to slow/block the inevitable [Justice] will fail.
[D]s election interference 2016.

>Clinton/Hussein illegal FISA, Caught them with Durham report and the Durham trial, it was all a hoax
[D]s election interference 2018.

>Mueller, Mueller not running investigation dementia, early on found no evidence but continued with investigation, durham report revealed.
[D]s election interference 2020.

>Impeachment, No evidence, the transcript was released, they never thought he would do that, lets add on plandemic, hunter biden laptop, social censorship, DOJ,FBI and CIA involved, plus corrupt politicians


These people are sick.

We, the People, are the cure.


[D]s election interference 2024
indictments, DOJ, FBI involved again
It must be done according to the rule of law.
It must carry weight.
It must be proven in the court of law.
There can be no mistakes.
Good things sometimes take time.

Donald Trump Wants To Throw A Massive, Yearlong Birthday Party For America

Trump pledged to organize a “Salute to America 250” task force to head the 12-month celebration, which will begin on Memorial Day in 2025 and will end on July 4, 2026, according to a policy video first obtained by Politico. The former president also promised to work with every state to create a “Great American State Fair,” to host nationwide high school sports competitions and to build the “National Garden of American Heroes.”

“As a nation, we should be preparing for the most spectacular birthday party. We want to make it the best of all time,” said Trump. “As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us come together and rededicate ourselves as one nation, under God.”


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Three years from now, the United States will celebrate the biggest and most important milestone in our Country’s history — 250 years of American Independence…

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