What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

Return To The Radio

April 15, 2022

Room 5100

Welcome to What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast Season Six, Episode 14, “Return To The Radio”

In this episode, I went to the first radio station staff meeting since coronavirus, something I've dearly missed since the start of the pandemic.

I went to the KFJC station meeting- I made my Return To The Radio! But first..


Lady asked to help me put my shoe on outside the big-box appliance store. I said no

Algorithms reduce agency- they do it for you

Tiger woods finished the masters, all 72 holes

I've compartmentalized a lot of stuff in my life, it works for me. Take the good with the bad

In The New York Times focus group, They kept defining being a man as providing for your family, but I feel like my main role in our family is a supportive one I do think that I provide for them spiritually, and since that is most important of all maybe I am providing

Reddit replies to Oscar's slap

I went to the first KFJC staff meeting since coronavirus

I think it's important to compartmentalize things and be grateful for what you have