What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

Latest Episodes
Whoomp! (Here It Is)Party on, party people: let me hear you touch the ground! In "Cooking," What's The Matter With Me? Podcast has all the pots on, the gas is burning and we're ready to go. This episode touches on cooking through limitations, self-imp
In the Season 9 Premiere, "The UN-ghost REVEALED" I return from ghosting the podcast since last year! I'm back and older than before! Various topics, no theme, chaotic dishevelment, dishevelry.Respect Due CanadiansDid you see the game? Shout o
Territorial Expansion
Low Anxiety, Going PlacesIn this episode, I give a shoutout to Kevin for Montana info, share insights from Andrew Pulrang's Disability Thinking, and discuss prepping Dax Pierson interview questions. I also talk about my kids' haircuts, our neighborh
Skibidi Toilet Is A Part Of History
In the latest "What's the Matter with Me?" podcast, John updates on his improved sleep with a sleep apnea device, newfound independence loading his wheelchair, upcoming Montana trip, and reflections on anxiety. He also mentions his kids' interest in the v
War On Sleep Anxiety
Compulsive behavior sequences are keeping me up at night, precluding a good night's sleepI'm driven from bed, get dressed, go outside to calm down, and eventually get back in bed. Out-of-control thoughts about the various trauma I'm going through over
Slogging Through
Getting through anxiety one day at a time, one step at a time, putting myself out there. Slogging through.In the newsParis Promised the Olympics Would Be Accessible. The Clock Is Ticking.Article: Paris Promised The Olympics Would Be Access
Anxiety Medication Strategy Session
In "Anxiety Medication Strategy Session," changing opinions on music, bouts of anxiety, recent publication in Identity Theory and Disturb the Universe, family life changes, increased mobility, and resumption of some duties.Last Old Guy Or First New Gu
Publication Barbecue
Featuring updates on Hoppin Hot Sauce inventory, newly published writing, recuperation from surgery, the year's first barbecue, and a new family pet.Sandman Knows KaleShout outs to the Sandman, who wrote in about kale and he knows more about kale
Surgery Publication Vacation
Period of ChangeUndergoing a period of change: I had surgery, I got published and I went on vacation. Plenty of new music reviews in this episode.A wordWhat's The Matter With Me? Podcast is sponsored by Hoppin Hot Sauce. Order it on Amazon.
Drugged Out
In "Drugged Out," a short episode featuring wine delivery, toilet paper shortage and trigeminal neuralgia pain medication.Long TimeSubscribers get the selfie for as long as we all shall live. It's a lifetime subscriptionGreen fluidCuts