What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

At The Cobbler

June 02, 2021

At the Cobbler

Working on my brace.
PLUS: summer camp, driving, Flip A Coin Day

Koko's At Camp

Koko's finally at Summer Camp. The frustration of being a disabled father during Covid-19 was intense. I have two hands but one isn't very useful, leg is the same, so doing projects with either kid has been difficult. It feels like we're about to turn a corner.

Getting My Confidence Back

I have been trying to get back the ability to drive again. I've been driving little drives every day. But yesterday, I drove 4 and half miles. I'm getting my confidence back.

Mel's Shoe Clinic

I went to a cobbler, Mel's Shoe Clinic in Castro Valley, to work on my AFO brace. He did a great job and it was a big revelation. It was fast, cheap, and easy, and I'll definitely do it again.

Flip A Coin

June 1st, Koko's birthday, is also national Flip A Coin Day. Go ahead and celebrate her belatedly.