What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

#8: Big Week
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast, Episode 8: "Big Week"
My name is John, I'm 38 years old, husband and father of two, radio DJ, podcaster, small business owner and I have MS (Multiple Sc;erosis). I made this podcast to share what I'm going through.
Recap Episode 7: "Bread Moment"
It was very hot, and now it's rather pleasant. I've been having a peaceful week with my wife because when it's hot I am grouchy. I also told the story of being afraid of Chad Robertson, my bread hero. I baked bread by this guy Chad Robertson. One day I was at a restaurant and I was with somebody who was kind of hooked up and the waiter was like “hey over there is Chad Robertson want to meet him?” And I was like “uh, it's cool.” I was scared to. I was intimidated, man. Anyway, he makes great bread. It's a hard story to tell, a time when I didn't live up to my own standards. Anyway episode 7 check it out.
Big Week
Last Tuesday I got my haircut, my beard shaved, lined up. Elvis at the barbershop did me all right. I was getting ready, I had a big week, so let's go.
MS Doctor
Later that day I saw my MS doctor for my annual checkup. We reviewed my MRI, and I am in radiological remission, which means nothing is showing up on my MRI, which means I'm not getting new brain lesions or other disease activity that the MRI scan can see.
Then we took a trip through my brain, it was kind of cool. My doctor was like, "Okay let's look at your MRI. This is how it works top down." He starts going through the images, wow.
We took a trip through my brain. My doctor noted that my cerebellum is pretty clean. That's like the top of my green, the big brainy part. But my brain stem has a lot of lesions, and they are old lesions. They affect my ability to walk, swallow, get up and talk actually. All the stuff I know because I experience it but it was interesting to learn that is caused by lesions in my brain stem.
We've decided to continue my current treatment which is rituximab, that I take in a 4-Hour infusion every 6 months. We were all shocked to learn I was about six weeks late for my rituximab infusion, and I guess it fell off the table. After the appointment, the staff and I scheduled it I'm going to have an infusion on Friday in a couple days time. Even though we scheduled at the last minute, they hooked me up. Stanford, shout outs.
The studies on rituximab are 18 months long. I haven't reached that time yet so we're going to continue my treatment, even though obviously I'm not healed and I'm still experiencing walking swallowing and thinking problems, among other things.
I told my doctor about this podcast, I told him to check it out. He was pretty stoked actually. I told them that I do this for my own therapy, to get better, which is why I do it, it makes me stronger to do so I love sharing. Boom! I'm stronger now.
Then on Wednesday, the next day I got a new ankle-foot orthotic brace which helps me walk, and not sprain my ankle and have balance. It's good!
AFO: Ankle-foot Orthotic
But it was kind of a mixed bag. I wore the new ankle-foot orthotic, they call it an AFO.
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What's the Matter With Me? Episode 8.
Yeah. It's "What's the Matter With Me?" Episode 8. My name is John. I'm 38 years old. I have MS. I made this podcast to share what I'm going through.
Recap episode 7, it was very hot. And now it's rather pleasant. I've been having a peaceful week with my wife because when it's hot, I am grouchy. And I also told the story of being afraid of Chad Robertson, being my bread hero. I baked bread by this guy, Chad Robertson. One day, I was at a restaurant, and I was with somebody who was kind of hooked up and the waiter was like, "Hey, over there's Chad Robertson. You want to meet him?" I was like, "Uh, it's cool." I was scared to. I was intimidated, man.
Anyway, he makes great bread. It's a hard story to tell, a time when I didn't live up to my own standard. Anyway, Episode 7. Check it out. Last Tuesday, I got my haircut,