What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

Slogging Through

Getting through anxiety one day at a time, one step at a time, putting myself out there. Slogging through.
In the news

Paris Promised the Olympics Would Be Accessible. The Clock Is Ticking.
Article: Paris Promised The Olympics Would Be Accessible
The city, which put inclusivity at the center of its bid, has improved access for people with disabilities, but with the opening ceremony about 12 weeks away, obstacles remain.
Slogging through

Processing what’s happening
One of the hardest things about Multiple sclerosis is wrapping your head around it. being cool with the things that are happening to you in the processes that you are part of accepting them is very difficult. maybe it doesn’t have to be. in Buddhism they say that all life is suffering, but some of it is unnecessary.
Maybe it’s important to accept myself and what’s happening, that it is okay that you are okay it has been okay it is okay and it will continue to be okay.
I am thinking about that because I am going to start talk therapy again
I’m getting some relief from anxiety. taking it easy
Last night I made rice and beans and we had it with eggs and salad
Bailey, a female wrestler on smackdown from San Jose CA
It rained on free comic book day
anxious feelings are difficult to control
back pain creating a nerve tingle in my groin and knee
difficulty sleeping
I play an impartial judge in mayhem special. Jersey girl and max levels
I drove to the coffee shop and didn’t give up until I got a cappuccino – twice
drove to Oakland and pumped my own gas

Max level picked me up at my house and drove me to kfjc where we broadcast the snap crackle pop special with Jersey Girl. shout outs to max level Jersey Girl circumference, Robert Emmett and the sandman
everybody played a role
radio helped anxiety – in the moment
New Therapist
new talk therapist began. we spoke about the bad anxiety i was feeling, the anxious thoughts and the need to tell the doctor that the medication was not relieving me. my therapist has worked with disabled people before, and some of them could not communicate, so they had a hard time advocating for themselves.
insomnia. anxiety. panic when I liey down. the numbness inside my head becomes my focus, and I obsess over it. eventually I calm myself enough to lie down, then the cycle begins anew
I drove my family to a baby shower in Dublin for one of my wife’s coworkers