Worth Your Salt

Worth Your Salt

How to Find The Right Agency For You

July 06, 2023

Hiring a marketing agency can save you money, time, and lead to success by giving you access to professionals who know the industry inside and out. Rather than having to hire an in-house team of marketers with different skills, an agency can provide all of these services as part of their package. On top of that, agencies have experience with multiple clients and industries so they are more likely to come up with innovative solutions that could give your business an edge over the competition. So today on Worth Your Salt, we’re talking about the do’s and don’t of hiring a marketing agency.

You’ll learn about:

  • What should you look for
  • How to make sure your budget is well-spent
  • Why communication is key when it comes to success
  • Which outsourced work will pay dividends long after the agency is gone

Finding The Right Marketing Agency

Hiring a professional marketer can be overwhelming and costly. But there are ways to make sure you select the right team for your business, like,  taking the time to research and vet potential agencies in order to get the most bang for your buck. So Jake, what kind of things should people be looking for in their research in order to make sure there’s no money wasted?

First, ask yourself what problems you need solved and what goals you want to accomplish with your marketing strategy. Once you have this list of objectives, you can start looking for an agency that specializes in those areas. You’ll also want to take the time to look at their past work and client reviews—this will help give you a better idea of what to expect from them. 

Knowing the problems you want to solve and the goals you’d like to achieve will help ensure that an agency is a good fit for your business. It’s important to be clear about what you need so that they can offer solutions tailored to your specific situation, rather than just trying to apply a one-size-fits-all approach – which can easily lead to money going down the drain. 

Additionally, having a list of objectives will also give the agency an idea of how much time and resources it will take to achieve those goals, which can be used in developing their pricing structure. It’s important to remember that any marketing strategy should be tailored to your specific business needs so that you get the best possible results from your investment.

Know Your Marketing Agency Options

Another common challenge with hiring a marketing agency is that there are many different options available, from large full-service agencies to individual contractors with specific skillsets. It can be difficult to determine who has the best combination of experience, know-how, and cost for your needs. Additionally, some agencies may use tactics that look good on paper but don’t actually give results in practice, leaving you with empty promises and wasted money. 

The key to successful marketing is paying attention to the details. It’s important to research and understand what different agencies are offering, as well as which areas of expertise each agency specializes in. This helps you ensure that you’re selecting an agency with the right skillset for your business and investing in the right services. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask questions about a potential agency’s track record or other implementation details so you can make a more informed decision. Taking the time to do your due diligence can save you money and headaches in the long run.

It’s important to find an agency that will make good on their promises, as it can be expensive and time-consuming to switch providers if you find out too late that your current provider isn’t meeting your needs. Having a reliable partner is especially important for small businesses, which often have limited resources and need to maximize the impact of their investments. 

Make sure the agency is willing and able to provide regular progress updates throughout your partnership. Consistent communication is key for keeping projects on track and ensuring everyone remains on the same page.