A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Latest Episodes

Episode 53: What Makes an Effective Digital Workplace?
September 16, 2021

Even in a post-pandemic world, it seems unlikely that we will ever go back to an old-style workplace where everyone comes into the office on a daily basis. Work from home arrangements and hybrid workp

Episode 52: How Do We Work Effectively Through the Next Phase of the Pandemic?
September 08, 2021

With the pandemic not behind us yet, how can organizations be agile and  willing to change up how we do things, maybe several times more before we get to the end of this? And how can workers come toge

Episode 51: Can You Turn Departing Employees into Loyal Alumni?
September 01, 2021

Can you turn departing employees into loyal alumni? When a worker leaves, most companies bid them well, perhaps doing a hasty exit interview on the way out.  That, however, may be a short-sighted way

Episode 50: How Should We Re-Think Design for the Post-Pandemic Work World?
August 19, 2021

Sooner or later we will be going back to offices and work space, but we will be doing it with a different mindset. Partly that is around how safety how do we set things up so we don’t spread the next

Episode 49: How Can You Create a Corporate Culture Where Workers Have a Voice?
July 27, 2021

How do you create a corporate culture where workers have a voice, and if you are a worker how do you decide to speak up? Employees are the ones on the front lines, the ones who know what is going on i

Episode 48: How Can You Adjust for Salary Disparities Within Your Company?
July 14, 2021

Is there a way to fairly adjust salaries so that there are no disparities by race or sex or anything else?  Our guest today says there is and she has put it into practice at her company. Marie Rose Ro

Episode 47: Can You Use Scenario Planning to Navigate the Future of Work?
July 02, 2021

Can you use scenario planning to prepare for the future and the future of work? As the pandemic has shown, you can never be completed prepared for what might happen, but planning and imagining scenari

Episode 46: What Can You Do About Ghosting in the World of Work?
June 22, 2021

Have you ever been ghosted? Not on  a dating app or by a friend, but in your work-life? It happens all the time. It may be the old we should have lunch thing- someone says it, you try to follow up and

Episode 45: Is Data-Driven Hiring a Good or Bad Thing?
June 16, 2021

Is data-driven hiring the future, and if it is should we be happy or a little bit scared? With the economy heating upm we are seeing a surge in hiring, or at least a surge in companies trying to hire.

Episode 44: How Should We Communicate in the Hybrid Workplace?
June 07, 2021

How do we present and communicate now that we are in hybrid work world? .We have gotten used to presenting virtually to a team that is perhaps far-flung, so what happens now when we have to get back t
