A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 90: Should Organizations Impose Mandatory Vacations?
These days, being in the workplace is a stressful thing. We know that mental health is an issue, and that people are dealing with all kinds of stresses from outside the workplace but increasingly from within it as well. According to Gallup, 76 percent of employees in the U.S. experience workplace burnout at least sometime, so that is 3 out of 4 workers. Now it might help of people took time off, but that does not always happen. People are better at taking time in Europe maybe, but in Canada and the U.S. less common, and with remote work you have the extra problem of people feeling like they can never be ‘off’.
My guest today has spent some time looking at the issue of burnout, and he thinks things would improve if organizations actually forced people to take vacations. His name is Joe Alim, and he is the VP of product and operations at Compt, which is an employee stipend platform. He wrote a piece on this that I saw in Quartz, the online magazine, and I thought his insights on this were really interesting, especially since he comes from the tech sector where the culture does not really support taking time away from work.
I had a great discussion with Joe, please stay with us to hear it.