A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Latest Episodes
Episode 129: Are Back to Work Mandates a Quick Way to Lose Top Performers?
Back to work mandates are all the rage these days but they may not work out the way that organizations expect. The language around the mandates suggests that top performers understand the need to be a
Episode 128: Will Returning to the Office Solve the Loneliness Epidemic?
Will ordering workers to return to the office make them less lonely? To talk about that Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Jim Frawley, the CEO and founder of executive development firm Bellw
Episode 127: Should Employees be Company Owners?
If everything is on the table when it comes to the future of work, should we be talking about having workers own the company or at least own a bit of it? To talk about that, Linda Nazareth is joined
Episode 122: Can Using Gamification Boost Employee Engagement?
Behavioural science Guest: Adrian Camilleri Association Professor of Marketing University of Technology Sydney Business School Adrian Camilleri is an associate professor of marketing at the University
Episode 121: How Can Leaders Develop Mental Strength?
How can leaders develop the mental strength needed in todays work environment? To talk about that Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Scott Mautz, author of the book The Mentally Strong Le
Episode 120: Is it Time to Talk about Work Life Bloom?
Is Work Life balance a myth? On this episode, Linda Nazareth is joined by Dan Pontefract, author of the book Work Life Bloom. Dan believes that we need to move to work life bloom rather than work
Episode 119: Will Pet Perks be the Next Hot Worker Benefit?
Is it time to include pet perks in more compensation packages? With talent acquisition a hot topic, everything is on the table now and perhaps that should include bringing your dog to the office, or a
Episode 118: How Can AI Help Workers be More Productive?
Can AI help people become better chess players and if it can, what does that mean for the future of work? To talk about that, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode byHenning Piezunka the co-auth
Episode 90: Should Organizations Impose Mandatory Vacations?
Should organizations force workers to take vacations? With workers increasing reporting that they are suffering from burnout, it might help if people took time off even if they are forced to do so. T
Episode 90: Should Organizations Impose Mandatory Vacations?
These days, being in the workplace is a stressful thing. We know that mental health is an issue, and that people are dealing with all kinds of stresses from outside the workplace but increasingly from