A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 16: How Do You Set Work-Life Boundaries in a World of Remote Work?

August 26, 2020

What does flexible work mean to you? It might mean leaving a few minutes early to catch your kid’s soccer game, or it might mean totally restructuring your job so you can travelfor a few months. In both cases, however, employers have traditionally been hesitant to open up the floodgates and embrace too much of it. Our work-lives have tended to be defined by barriers that set up when and where we work, and although there has been some fraying around the edges, for decades there has been reluctance to change too much. Now,with teh pandemic, all of the rules are being re-thought, and to some extent we are designing a new workplace. As that happens, is it now time for workers to set the boundaries? How do you resist having work and leisure blurred into one, and is that even a desirable outcome? With everything up for grabs, it is a good time for a discussion on what ‘flexible’ should really mean and how we can make it work best from both sides of the table.   Guest:  Cali Williams Yost CEO and Founder Flex+Strategy Group A visionary workplace futurist, strategist, author, and keynote speaker, Yost is the Founder...