A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

The Work and the Future Podcast Trailer!

May 21, 2020

Ready or not, the world of work is changing. And, whoever you are, you need to figure out your place in the future of work. We need to re-imagine everything. Who are the workers that will be in demand in the future? Will robots take our jobs or become our trusted co-workers? Should companies let workers work from home or will that guarantee an all-day frenzy of watching Netflix? Oh, and will jobs even exist in future? My name is Linda Nazareth and by profession I am an economist…through my career have works banks and government and media, but now I write and speak about the future of work…I talk to organizations about how to get ready for it. There is so much to talk about….and with the Work and the Future podcast, I want to bring more people into the conversation. Work is how we earn a living. It is sometimes how we forge an identify. It is how we interact with each other. How we work in the future will define our future. Join me for the Work and the Future podcast and let’s talk about what comes next.