The Workamper Show Podcast

The Workamper Show Podcast

Tricia Prues describes being a traveling online ad manager in Episode 183

July 26, 2022

This week I will speak with a mother of two who supports her family by helping companies with their Facebook and Instagram advertising.

Tricia Prues grew up on the same street all of her life in a Kentucky town across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio. The idea of traveling never really appealed to her. However, it was a different story for her husband. He had the travel bug and really wanted the adventure of RVing.

So, their family launched into full-time RVing at the start of this year. Because they have younger children, ages 8 and 5, their first stop was Florida so they could visit some of the Disney properties and be closer to her father, who stays in Sarasota every year.

For them, one of the best parts about RVing is that Tricia can work anywhere they decide to travel because she is self-employed as a full-service ad manager helping companies advertise on Facebook and Instagram. Businesses hire her to create advertisements by finding images and writing messages that appear on the ads and then tracking results.

She may design several different versions and test the ads to see which ones work better in enticing people to click through to learn more about the company, a product or service. Then she prepares regular reports for her clients to help them analyze their marketing strategies and evaluate their advertising budgets.

Before jumping into the online advertising space, Tricia was a social worker for a dialysis facility. After her son was born, she quit that job in order to stay home with her kids. A short time later, they flip-flopped and her husband became a full-time stay-at-home dad and Tricia became an entrepreneur.

She had been doing some marketing work for businesses and online content creators for a while before deciding to focus exclusively on online advertising about four years ago.

Tricia was inspired after reading Dan Miller’s book 48 Days to the Work You Love. It caused Tricia to look at different options for her life even before her second child arrived. Through the 48 Days community, she has developed some fabulous relationships that enabled her to tap into a network of entrepreneurs which continues to grow through the power of referrals.

Tricia completed some online training to learn more about digital marketing and then developed a mastermind group with several other people also working in that industry. That provides Tricia with the support she needs to run a business and to professionally stay on top of her game.

She finds clients through her involvement in a number of networking organizations and by connecting with entrepreneurs in several Facebook groups. She has developed a really unique strategy for promoting her work.

Someone will post a message on Facebook saying they have a question about X, Y or Z. Then Tricia will respond to the post with a brief video commenting on their business page or products, and offering to have a quick phone call or online meeting to discuss it further. Tricia described it as a way to go above and beyond what people are expecting by wowing them with a video response.

Tricia said her biggest niche is working with solopreneurs, or small business owners who are doing just about everything by themselves. They may lack the resources to hire staff, but are willing to contract out needed services to other professionals.

Being self-employed herself, Tricia works about 35 hours a week, but she can set her own hours and take time to join her husband and family on excursions. If she needs time alone to concentrate on business, she hangs out at the RV park’s rec center or goes somewhere where she’ll be relatively free of distractions.

Tricia loves the flexibility of being able to work with whomever she wants, whenever she wants and wherever she wants.

To connect with Tricia or learn more about her business, people can visit

Today’s episode is sponsored by Workamper News. With its Diamond and Platinum membership tools, Workamper News is much more than just a job-listing website. When you put the tools of this professional service into action, you’ll find out just how easy it can be to turn your Workamping dreams into reality.

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That’s all I have for this week’s show. Next time I will be speaking with an RVer who makes his living as a public speaker. He has a very interesting story to share and I’ll have that interview on the next episode of The Workamper Show. Thanks for listening!