The Workamper Show Podcast
Latest Episodes
Peter Hornat describes Workamping at Laurel Lock Campground in Episode 314
The culture at Laurel Lock Campground creates a rather unique Workamping opportunity because much of the work is devoted to assisting seasonal residents.
Dan Grossman describes Workamping jobs at Ames Brook Campground in Episode 313
The private mom-and-pop campground features about 100 campsites and four cabins situated on 30 acres of property. A family-oriented facility, it attracts a good mix of seasonal campers and overnight v
In Episode 312, Charlie Parrish describes living his dream as a solo Workamper
Charlie has worked as a camp host, shuttled customers on canoeing excursions, mowed grass, and worked in camp stores or at the front desk. He recently worked for a campground in Minnesota called Fiddl
In Episode 311, Greg interviews ChatGPT about the Workamping and RV lifestyle
For a fun experiment, Greg interviews ChatGPT about what the RVing and Workamping lifestyle is like. The results were humorous and interesting.
Garr Russell describes a franchising opportunity with Fireside RV Rentals in Episode 310
Garr teaches business owners how to find RVs to rent, where to store them, how to rent them and to do so while making a good income.
Bill Morgan seeks Workampers for his south Texas hunting ranch in Episode 309
He likes to hire Workamping couples so one person can help with the hunt and skinning animals, and the other tends to the lodge. Ideally, one or both of the Workampers should enjoy hunting and being a
In Episode 308, Sue Rassmussen offers tips for controlling RV odors
By scraping plates before washing, and using probiotic tank treatments, RVers can control odors. But, they also need to flush tanks regularly, which can be a great business opportunity as well..
In Episode 307, Dave and Jill Cordray invite Workampers to White River Campground
What makes White River Campground such a unique Workamping experience is that the Cordrays do not require a set number of hours per week in exchange for a free RV site. The couple offers a flexible co
In Episode 306, Ari Adler describes working remote jobs and Workamping gigs
Ari said he and Jessi realized years ago that if they were going to work from a table or desk at home, they could easily do it from a different location. That gives them something new and exciting to
Todd and Terri Nighswonger describe living the best of both worlds in Episode 305
Todd found an opportunity to put his skills as a musician to work entertaining residents at 55+ communities in the Phoenix Area. Terri, on the other hand, also writes for the Do-It-Yourself RV website