The Workamper Show Podcast

The Workamper Show Podcast

Lynn Hupp describes her four-year RV adventure on Episode 281

June 04, 2024

Today I am interviewing a woman who was just contemplating the RV lifestyle when I first spoke to her four years ago. After working several Workamping jobs and seeing a lot of the country, she is going to provide an update on her adventure.

In 2020, Lynn Hupp knew she wanted more fun and adventure in her life, and she thought RV travel may be the answer. However, she knew very little about RVs and the Workamping lifestyle.

So, she enrolled in RV Dreamers Journey. It was a program offered by Workamper News at the time, to guide people through various lessons to prepare them for life on the road.

Now, all of those educational videos have been incorporated into the Workamper library, which can be accessed for free any time by Diamond and Platinum members.

When I spoke to Lynn in April, she was in Florida Workamping at a state park. After the interview, she and a friend drove up to Alaska to begin a summer Workamping job at Wildman’s, which is a convenience store located in Cooper Landing.

Because it was a 5,300-mile journey from Florida to Alaska, Lynn opted against towing her travel trailer all that way while consuming gas at a rate of 10 to 12 miles per gallon. Fortunately, the company has cabins which she and her friend can stay in this summer.

Since Lynn and I last talked, she took training to learn how to maintain her own RV, and also became a certified RV inspector by taking classes at the National RV Training Academy in Athens, Texas.

When we first talked, Lynn had just completed the training and was hoping the RV lifestyle would be everything she imagined it would be. It was. In fact, she’s been on the road by herself for four years.

What impresses me is that Lynn started her adventure the right way, by getting all the training she could up front before starting out. That eliminated a lot of stress that comes through trial and error.

Lynn tows a 26-foot travel trailer with no slides, which she said is the perfect size for her. She overcame her fear of towing and hooking up an RV by taking classes with the RV Driving School. She took maintenance training to learn how to fix the most common problems RVers encounter.

The RV Dreamers Journey courses taught Lynn about the RV lifestyle and how to apply for Workamping jobs that were well-suited to things she liked to do. She has also been able to experience a lot of America that most people simply drive through in a day or two.

Lynn has enjoyed the Black Hills of South Dakota, the redwoods of California, the history of Georgia, the beauty of Yellowstone National Park, the warm climate of Florida, and now the spectacular beauty of the Alaskan frontier.

She supports all her travel by working short-term Workamping jobs and helping others to make informed buying decisions by serving as an RV inspector. As an independent contractor, she provides consulting services to former corporate customers, and she also collects Social Security benefits.

Lynn may not get rich in this lifestyle, but she said she’s enjoying the time of her life while she’s still young enough to actively do all the things she dreamed about for many years. She would still like to get to Maine someday and Lynn hopes to visit all 48 lower states before she turns 70.

She strongly encourages people to not allow fear to hold them back from RVing. There have been a lot of rewards that more than make up for any challenges Lynn has faced during the past four years.

People can connect with Lynn by email at or find her on Facebook and Instagram.

Today’s episode is brought to you by the featured employers at  These Workamper employers have taken an extra step to share some photos and detailed information about their Workamper programs.

Opportunities exist for solos, couples and families, whether they are full-time, part-time, seasonal and even long-term jobs. Some are income opportunities and others involve volunteering at locations throughout the United States. Go to to meet the featured employers today.

Employers who are seeking to hire Workampers can learn about the benefits of year-round recruiting by becoming a featured employer. More information about featured employers is available at

That’s all I have for this week’s show. Next time I will be speaking with a couple who, like Lynn, have been RVing for four years as well and have worked a variety of Workamping jobs. They will share their experiences on the next episode of The Workamper Show. If you like these interviews, please consider leaving a review wherever you download the episodes. Thanks for listening!