Winning Through Culture

Winning Through Culture

Mentorship Mini-Series | Standing on the Shoulders of Giants with Steve Montague

December 07, 2022

We “stand on the shoulders” of those that came before us. 

In this episode of Winning Through Culture, Tim Flanagan is joined by the President and Chief Operating Officer of Midrex Technologies Inc., Steve Montague. Midrex Technologies is a Charlotte-based company that produces iron with the lowest possible carbon dioxide emissions. Steve says his company’s foremost purpose is to love and serve others. And a great way of serving others is through mentorship which is the topic of this ongoing mini-series.

This episode with Steve Montague centers around the reciprocal nature of mentorship. Both the mentor and mentee can benefit from constantly learning and growing together. When taking on a mentee, Steve says he pays special attention to trust in the relationship, openness of the mentee, and the potential of the mentee to learn quickly. A mentor will truly take the time to invest in the mentee by assessing their true potential.

A mentor not only shares successes but also failures. This kind of vulnerability is another important quality in a mentorship relationship that helps to form lasting bonds.

Mentorship is investing in the lives of others.

Key Takeaways:


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In today’s ever-changing world, it is more important than ever for an entrepreneur to stay impactful and relevant.

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