Winning Through Culture

Winning Through Culture

Attracting Quality Applicants in a Changing Job Market

May 25, 2022

“The biggest challenges are becoming the biggest silver linings.”

In this episode, we discuss the ever-changing job market and how COVID-19 has impacted the way we do business. Candidates are scrutinizing company culture like never before as they conduct their due diligence to seek out the best employer. All this is happening as individuals in the job market are on the hunt for a new opportunities. For the company looking to hire, it’s not about just filling a seat — instead, there is an element of “match-making” when it comes to finding the right person.

Featured in this episode:

Lila Ressler

Lila is the CEO & Managing Partner of PeopleSolutionsNOW, a comprehensive HR and Organizational Effectiveness Consulting Company. Lila was previously featured on Winning Through Culture: Building a Purposeful Culture with Lila Ressler

Audrey Averill

Audrey is the Chief Operations Officer at MassMutual Carolinas. Audrey was previously featured on Winning Through Culture: Core Value 3: Authenticity

Key Takeaways
  • A winning culture promotes a safe environment for applicants to show up authentically.
  • Modern interviews are not merely evaluations of the other person but should be a collaborative effort to find the right fit.
  • The desire to grow personally and professionally is an attractive quality in a prospect.
  • Sometimes it comes down to gut instincts in choosing the right applicant.
  • Candidates are not always looking for money. They look for opportunities for growth, good leadership, and stability within the company.
  • Related episodes to the changing job market: Cultivating Culture in a Post COVID-19 WorldFrom Intern to Coordinator with Rebekah Miller and Amanda Kramer 


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About Winning Through Culture

In today’s ever-changing world, it is more important than ever for an entrepreneur to stay impactful and relevant.

That’s where Winning Through Culture comes in! This podcast will let you inside the dynamic minds of Tim Flanagan and Amanda Kramer to give you expertise, insight, and tips so that you can remain impactful and relevant.

With Tim and Amanda’s experience and desire to plant knowledge in the business leaders around them, we hope you will take this podcast into your everyday life as an upcoming entrepreneur.

This genuine content will provide you with opportunities, relationships, and a community to expand your personal and professional growth.

Let’s create a winning culture together!

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