Wholeness and Holiness Podcast

Wholeness and Holiness Podcast

Going Deeper

March 13, 2024
Going Deeper | When we take a moment to look at nature, we find that life is always a process. Whether it is the acorn becoming a mighty oak, an egg hatching into a duckling, or a baby growing into an adult, life is a process | #Friends #GrowingCharitytoUprootGreed #UprootGreed #GrowingCharity #TipsforConnection #GreaterPeaceJoyandfreedom #Joyfreedom #MargaretVasquezs #GrowingVirtue #ModelofHonesty #TipsforConnection #OpennesswithGod #KnowingGod #ValuingGod #Suffering #GoingDeeperGoing Deeper

When we take a moment to look at nature, we find that life is always a process. Whether it is the acorn becoming a mighty oak, an egg hatching into a duckling, or a baby growing into an adult, life is a process. Since physical life is a process, why would emotional and spiritual life be any different? We would never look at a toddler and think they are wrong or bad for not being an adult. The very idea is outrageous and would deny the beauty of the child and the process God has made.

The process of growth surrounds us. It is beautiful and wonderful to know that we always have more room for development in our relationship with God, as formation is a lifelong process! He is infinite!  We grow when we allow him to increase our capacity for him and receive more of who he is. The more we receive of him, the more we are transformed into who we really are, the more our capacity for him increases, and so on.

Like any relationship, we first approach another by opening up and revealing the good things about ourselves. Next, we might show some of our less glorious moments, and begin to be vulnerable. Finally, we reveal our pain, our shame, and our weakness, that which we hold deep within us, hidden from view until we know it’s safe. Once we have a firm trust in another person’s acceptance of us, a bond is developed. We find this same pattern as we grow closer to the Lord.

As we begin to improve our relationship with our creator, we begin to see things as if through God’s eyes, which allows us to see Him more clearly and to be drawn more deeply into union with Him. This doesn’t happen once and is complete. Instead, we tend to follow a winding staircase as our deepening union with God reveals to us more dross, which we are then able to release. Liberation from our own garbage helps us know God even more closely and become more one with him. Good mental and physical health work together with our growing spiritual health. They are not at odds with each other, but together bring us into a state of wholeness and holiness that is our birthright as sons and daughters of God.

St. Thomas Aquinas said, “Grace does not destroy nature, but perfects it.”1 We need personal integration and rightly ordered relationships. By seeking God’s kingdom first, everything else falls into place. As we learn with the help of God to quiet the clamor and chaos of disorder, his grace brings wholeness to our lives. God’s perfecting work leads to fulfillment and order, personally and interpersonally.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. In what ways can you see you have grown in your relationship with God over time?
  2. What areas of your own formation are you growing in the most at this time?
  3. How might it help to consider your relationship with God as a process?
  4. How might it help you to consider other people’s relationships with God as a process?


Lord Jesus, we thank you for coming to us to reveal the heart of the Father and to redeem us in your love. It was not enough for you to save all mankind, but you desire a personal relationship with us. We want to grow closer to you every day. Please give us the grace to do so and to be patient with ourselves in the process. In your holy name we pray. Amen.

Action Step

What’s one thing you can do to take a step closer in the way you relate to the Lord? Take that step this week.

Journaling/Further Reflection

Ask the Lord to show you what the biggest block is to your receiving and responding to more of his love at this time in your life. Ask him what he wants you to know about that and journal what comes to you.

Scriptures for Meditation

Jeremiah 29:13

Luke 2:52

James 4:8

1 Peter 2:2

Revelation 3:20


May the Lord give you peace!


The post Going Deeper appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.