Western Reserve Grace Church
Latest Episodes
Uprising: Week 6
Eyes to SeePhilippians 3:1-3 The NT shows us the glory of the gospel and the epistles teach us the theological framework by which to experience and enjoy the Good News. One of the critical concerns was genuine and false faith. Paul adds to this teaching
Uprising: Week 5
Whatever, Whenever, HoweverPhilippians 2:12-17 Paul spends these verses telling the Philippians church that we should become whatever God is calling us to be, and then live with the goal of shining like stars whenever the word looks at us. This week we w
Uprising: Week 2
Week 2 – Obstacles to Opportunity Philippians 1:12-30 Paul was in prison and was confined to writing letters and the hearing of reports from others. It seemed that his chains were his obstacle. And yet, he gives reference to his chains as a foundat
Uprising: Week 1
Philippians 1:1-11 Was Paul where he wanted to be? Certainly not. However, Paul was rejoicing in the work of God through this Philippine church. He rejoiced even in chains because he understood what