Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word

Latest Episodes

14 1Corinthians 6:1-8 Taking legal action
August 14, 2019

Should believers take other believers to secular law court? Paul confronts the Corinthian church for doing so. But like the other issues he's addressed, Paul is more concerned with the attitudes behind their taking legal action. Lecture notes: https://www

13 1Corinthians 5:6-13 Leaven in the dough
August 07, 2019

Continuing his discussion of the man having an affair with his stepmother, Paul uses a common biblical analogy that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.  What exactly is he telling us about the church? Lecture notes: https://www.wednesdayinthe

12 1Corinthians 4:17-5:5 Ignoring immorality
July 31, 2019

Paul confronts the Corinthian church about their attitude toward a man having an affair with his stepmother. Paul is concerned with the blatant disregard of God's law by the man in question, and even more concerned with the attitude the church is taking t

11 1Corinthians 3:18-4:16 Be foolish to the world
July 24, 2019

Paul concludes the first major section of this letter by urging them to repent and imitate him in following Christ and looking foolish to the world. Lecture notes: Teacher: Krisan Marotta Series: 1 Corin

Are there Rewards in Heaven?
July 19, 2019

Should we expect rewards in heaven for our behavior in this life? If 1 Corinthians 3 does not teach that we will receive rewards in heaven, are there other passages which do teach that doctrine? Some claim that Scripture teaches believers will receive var

10 1Corinthians 3:10-17 Rewards in Heaven 1
July 10, 2019

1Corinthians 3:10-17 is frequently cited as one of the places that Scripture teaches believers will receive various rewards or crowns in heaven. The context indicates otherwise.  Paul is issuing a warning to leaders in the church. #witw #biblestudy #1cori

09 1Corinthians 3:5-10 He who plants and he who sows
June 26, 2019

Paul explains how the Corinthians should view Apollos and himself – as fellow-servants of God. His explanation has far-reaching implications for the American church today. Lecture notes: Teacher: Krisan Ma

08 1Corinthians 3:1-4 Who are the “carnal Christians”?
June 19, 2019

1Corinthians 3:1-4 have been at the center of a theological debate over whether we can have victory of sin in our lives now.  One side argues that Paul believes "carnal Christians" will be saved but not sanctified because they have not learned to appropri

07 1Corinthians 2:6-16 Wisdom from the Spirit
June 12, 2019

Paul argues that the message he preaches is in fact wisdom because it is revelation from God. The gospel is not something we would figure out on our own. #witw #biblestudy #1corinthians Lecture notes: Teac

06 1Corinthians 2:1-5 Superiority of speech or lack thereof
June 05, 2019

Lecture notes: Teacher: Krisan Marotta Series: 1 Corinthians For more information: