We Only LOOK Thin

We Only LOOK Thin

Episode 348 – Growth Spurt

September 08, 2024

We’ve all asked Mary, Mary quite contrary how her garden grows and she’s given us some story about using silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row. That story doesn’t seem to check out. What effect do silver bells have on plant growth? What even is a “cockle shell” anyway? When you think about it, the right question should be, “how do I make my mindset grow?” You’ve come to the right place for answers. This week, Catherine and Donald talk about the importance of a growth mindset in achieving your weight and health goals and more importantly, how you shift your mindset in the right direction. You’re more capable of achieving difficult goals than you probably think. Plus, Catherine is jealous of everyone, Donald definitely doesn’t work for a sneaker company, and space-age water coolers really do exist.

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Related Episodes of We Only Look Thin:

Episode 194 – Should I Stay or Should I Grow Now


Episode 193 – Neuromythbusters


Episode 135 – Growth Chart



