We Only LOOK Thin

Latest Episodes
Episode 374 – Postmortem
The word postmortem comes from the Latin words post (after) and mortem (death). What a cheerful way to start a podcast! My point here is that businesses are too lazy ...
Episode 373 – Worst Case Scenario
If youre a longtime listener, you already know that our second favorite thing is to make parallels between business strategies and health goals. If youre also a fan of that ...
Episode 372 – Final Destination Addiction
After last weeks episode, you probably thought that it was impossible for a weight loss and fitness podcast to include even more facts about Ohio. You were sorely mistaken. This ...
Episode 371 – Let’s Weight Awhile
Listener Erin wrote in asking about how to deal with plateaus. At first, we thought it was strange that shed turn to us for information about areas of relatively level, ...
Episode 370 – People Pleaser
Youve probably heard the old expression, People: you cant live with them. But if thats true, why do we spend so much of our time and energy trying to make ...
Episode 369 – S.W.O.T. in the Name of Love
As it is nearing Valentines Day peoples attention turns towards one thing; business strategies. It is generally accepted that business strategies arent good for anything, but what if I told ...
Episode 368 – Adaption, ation, ation
If youre a character in a movie about big game hunting, at some point youll probably say, humans are truly the most dangerous animals on earth. If youre a real ...
Episode 367 – Rigidity Rebellion
Do you pride yourself on knowing the one right way to do something? Do you often say, my way or the highway and think its a good thing? Not so ...
Episode 366 – Facts Evasion
If youre like most people, you probably look into a mirror and sing the Eurythimics song, Would I Lie To You?. You sing, Now would I say something that wasnt ...
Episode 365 – Alan or Nothing
Its our 7-year anniversary! Hooray! To celebrate, were going to talk about giving up. Isnt that just like us? Sometimes, we bump up against a number on the scale that ...