Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

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Christian Prophecy Persecution, China News, India, State Churches, More Gospel
July 31, 2019

The Lord warned us of this in the Gospels. We were warned by the Apostles and in Revelation. Yet today the flood of persecution reports cannot tell the whole st

Law of Blood Guilt: Cain to Armageddon Pt1
July 26, 2019

An indepth study on Blood Guilt, shedding of Innocent Blood, the Penalties thereof, and the Remission of Sin. The nations of men, hands that shed innocent blood

Prince of Peace Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt11 on Battle Lines
July 25, 2019

Prince of Peace - In the midst of Isaiah's prophecy we find Hope for Israel after the Judgment. Yet it contains prophecy of a miraculous event that would occur

Gospel News Advocacy, Division America, Christian Viewpoints, Persecution, More
July 24, 2019

Advocacy Gospel News for these chaotic end of days. As we approach the late summer, things are heating up. Around the world Russia, China, Iran, Radical Islam,

Fasting and Faith Weapons of our Warfare 2019 Pt6
July 19, 2019

Fasting and Faith - We are discovering the power of fasting, faith, and the truth of who we are in Christ Jesus. Jesus had no identity problem. He was not conf

A Great Light midst Darkness Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt10
July 18, 2019

A Great Light midst Darkness - We find the Prophet Isaiah giving the warning to Judah here. In the midst of this prophecy of coming judgment we find mercy and r

Gospel News Advocacy, Division America, Christian Viewpoints, more Warn Radio
July 18, 2019

End of Days are here! The persecution of peoples for their faith continues at the hand of governments willing to do anything to stop the faith of millions of Ch

Perversion and Fasting Weapons of our Warfare 2019 Pt5
July 12, 2019

Perversion and Fasting - With everything good, righteous, and holy; there is the opposite. Today we find that for the true believer in Christ Jesus, the power o

Waters of Shiloh Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt9 on Battle Lines
July 11, 2019

Waters of Shiloh -The prophet Isaiah reveals the coming judgment. While Judah is not where they should be, the two nations of Syria and Samaria would be removed

Global Advocacy, Gospel News, China persecutes, America, Israel, World focus
July 10, 2019

Global Advocacy, Gospel News, China persecutes, America, Israel, Iran, World focus. Meanwhile the persecution of peoples for their faith continues at the hand o