Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Gospel News Advocacy, Division America, Christian Viewpoints, more Warn Radio

July 18, 2019

Gospel News Advocacy, Division America, Christian Viewpoints, Christian persecution, Christians Martyred, Kenya, India, China, Right Worship, Missions, Pakistan, French Christ, World Focus from Warn Radio | WIBR/WARN Radio |


Gospel News Advocacy -At no other time for the current generations of people living do we find trouble. Here the word Perilous Times described by the Apostle Paul is fitting. Yet in the midst of this we ask has our technology saved us or brought us to oblivion. It is a time of division, conflict, uniting in differences,  and pushing to the limits the strain of civilizations.


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Gospel News Advocacy -This week Warn Radio global focus centers on many who are asking the right questions. They are coming together. The cause of this is the division, hatred, murder, and persecution of people. Not only Christians are facing this, but other groups as well. In addition a human tragedy on Americas border with do nothing congress watching. Here people are saying the country is not divided even as evidence mounts up that this is not true. We cover the latest Gospel news advocacy from America, France, Kenya, India, China, Pakistan, and also discuss major issues along the way.