Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

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#Mine #Elect #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt133 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
May 27, 2022

Mine Elect reflect #Gods #identity to #Israel at that time. We look again as the #Prophet brings #Cyrus again into the #biblical workings of the #LordGod. For i

#Prophecy #Harbinger, #America #notsafe #Biblical #Culture #Persecuted #Church @
May 25, 2022

Prophecy Harbinger finds the events and signs among this week’s stories. When the theme we have is America not safe, we should think this nation will awaken. Th

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt8 #KeepingMercy
May 20, 2022

Keeping Mercy is the #LordGod who is also full of Grace. The #LordJesusChrist came and flatly stated "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man cometh to th

#Confirming #Word #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt132 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
May 19, 2022

Confirming Word of the LORD who is the redeemer of Israel and of the #Gentiles who have believed on #Jesus, Yeshua; the #Christ. It is here the #nationsofmen le

#Sons of #God, #Syrian #Churches, #Armenian #Pastor, #NearDeath, @WarnRadio
May 18, 2022

Sons of God reveals the manner of #love our #God and Father has bestowed upon us, those who have #believed on the name of Jesus Christ, #YeshuaHaMassiach. To th

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt7 #DayoftheTrumpet
May 13, 2022

Day of the Trumpet gives warning on that fateful event when your enemy approaches the #gatesofJerusalem. The #Watchman blows the #shofar, Trumpet here to give w

Redeeming Jacob Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt131 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
May 12, 2022

Today we look at the #promise of #Redemption and the action taken therein. It will be a #relievedcaptivity when the #freedom is realized, the #templerebuilt, an

#FaithtoFaith #Advocacy #ChristMartyr, #ChristianBlood, #Miraculous @WarnRadio
May 11, 2022

Today we live Faith to Faith, #believing in the Lord and #trusting him to #deliverus from our #enemies and those who #hate the #Gospel of #JesusChrist.

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt6 #DayoftheLORD
May 06, 2022

Day of the Lord - The Lord here as #Governor of the #Nations has long #patience waiting for the #fruitofredemption to bring forth. Yet man, many times ignores t

#Deceived #Heart #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt130 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
May 05, 2022

However, for Judah the #prophet has gone through this, ensuring that the now soon to be free #Judah will learn the lesson well. Theirs is the #True and #LivingG