Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

Latest Episodes

Lord God Governor of the Nations Pt12 My Righteousness
July 01, 2022

My #Righteousness brings to the #DayoftheLord about the role of "My Righteousness" as spoken by the Lord. The rise or the fall of nations is guided by the Gover

Lords Redemption Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt135 on Battle Lines
June 30, 2022

Lords Redemption brings us to the #armoftheLord and his fashioning, making, and preparing the #deliverance of #Judah. In these verses to the end of the chapter

#SonofGod #SetsFree, #Darkness versus #Light, #Fighting the #Gospel @WarnRadio
June 29, 2022

Son of God Sets Free and if he does this for you, then you are Free indeed. The #overcoming Son of God is the #LordofLords and King of Kings who sets people fre

The #Devil, #Deceit, #Deception, and #Destiny
June 24, 2022

The Devil, Deceit, Deception, Decision, and Destiny are before us. Is this America's Unchangeable Destiny?

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt11 #LandofPromise
June 10, 2022

Land of Promise brings us to part eleven in Lord God Governor of the nations. The first ever divine creation of a land for a people was given to Abram when he o

#Righteous #Salvation #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt134 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
June 10, 2022

Righteous Salvation brings forth the fact of the #Salvation of #Gods creation is brought forth by the #RighteousLord, here #Jehovah. He that created all things

Removing Strongholds, Infinite Truth, Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance @WarnRadio
June 08, 2022

Removing Strongholds are two words which describe the levels of strength of power. In #Christianity we face #Strongholds of darkness as we hold firm the #Lighto

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt10 #WordofProphecy
June 03, 2022

The Word of Prophecy are #truth and declares the #lightoftruth upon the dark hearts and minds in the worlds. No #prophecy is of private interpretation for as Pe

Mark of Prophecy, Righteous Truth Ezekiel Christian Martyrs @WarnRadio
June 01, 2022

Mark of Prophecy is facing us today. We see the #globalefforts to bring in #digitalcontrols on #money. In addition, the #technology today brings the world in cl

#LordGod #Governor of the #Nations Pt9 #DaysofNoah
May 27, 2022

Days of Noah greet us in this week's study. As we look at the #Governorofthenation's we must recognize, #Noah, #Lot, and the warnings of both #Peter and #Jude.