VoxTalks Economics

VoxTalks Economics

Latest Episodes

S6 Ep49: Is there a market for biodiversity?
November 14, 2023

Climate change will have an impact on the natural environment, and the natural environment will affect the rate of climate change. Is biodiversity risk reflected in asset prices? Is it possible to use private capital to finance biodiversity conservation a

S6 Ep48: AI’s impact on jobs
November 10, 2023

By automating non-routine tasks, AI may have a profound effect on the jobs we do, and even whether those jobs exist. How much should we fear, and how much should we welcome this change? In the second of our podcasts from the Chicago Booth School Economic

S6 Ep47: Will deglobalisation lead to a new Cold War?
November 03, 2023

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the narrative was that we were at the end of history. Now we have changed our minds: globalization is in retreat, and we're entering a new Cold War. Is this new narrative true? At the Chicago Booth School Economic Expert

S6 Ep46: Whither climate finance?
October 31, 2023

New series: climate finance is an essential part of the fight against climate change. Join co-hosts Alissa Kleinnijenhuis and Tim Phillips for the important debates in climate finance, with the researchers and policymakers who are making a difference. In

S6 Ep45: Does anger drive populism?
October 27, 2023

On social media and in interviews, voters and their representatives sometimes seem full of rage. Is the current rise in populism driven by this anger, or is that conclusion too simplistic? Klaus Desmet tells Tim Phillips about what research into America’s

S6 Ep44: How the US solved its Korean EV trade crisis
October 20, 2023

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provided $350 billion in tax credits and other incentives for clean energy technologies in the US. So how did American policymakers respond when South Korean government officials declared it was a “betrayal”? Chad Bown

S6 Ep43: War and science in Ukraine
October 13, 2023

Scientists are affected by war, like anyone else. Their work is disrupted, they are placed in danger, they may become refugees or casualties. What has been the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on its scientists? Ina Ganguli talks to Tim Phillips.

S6 Ep42: The slowdown in potential growth
October 06, 2023

Estimates of potential growth the best an economy can do drive development and poverty reduction. Lower potential is a problem that constrains policymakers and so affects all of us. New research analyses the long downward trend in potential growth, ma

S6 Ep41: Identity politics and polarisation
September 29, 2023

What part does group identity play in who we choose to vote for? In every democracy it seems as if our leaders are using identity politics to gain new voters or define a distinct political agenda, but what does that mean for economic policies and polarisa

S6 Ep40: Price and prejudice: Asylum seekers and housing rents
September 22, 2023

Opposition to asylum seekers has become a political and social media hot button issue in every high-income country. But does their presence also depress rental values for neighbouring properties? Marius Brülhart tells Tim Phillips about new research from