VoxTalks Economics

VoxTalks Economics

Latest Episodes

S7 Ep2: Solving the wickedest problem
January 10, 2024

In the brief history of climate finance, Andrew Karolyi has been one of the pioneers, both as an author and a catalyst to encourage other finance experts to become involved. He talks to Alissa Kleinnijenhuis and Tim Phillips about what inspired him to tak

S7 Ep1: The global transmission of Fed rate hikes
January 05, 2024

Recorded at CEPR Paris Symposium 2023: The Fed has been rapidly raising rates recently. In the recent past this would have caused a red alert in the central banks of emerging markets. But not this time – so why not? Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan tells Tim Phillips

S6 Ep57: The impact of refugees on community health
December 22, 2023

Africas refugees often live in large, permanent camps. While the arrival of refugees is often an economic boost for the region, it is also bad for the health of the children of local families. Anna Maria Mayda and Jean-Franois Maystadt tell Tim Phillips

S6 Ep56: A new programme area: Climate change and the environment
December 19, 2023

COP28 has just concluded. Every COP demonstrates both the urgent need to devise policies that will shape the future of our planet and the people who inhabit it, but also the difficulty of implementing those initiatives. That’s why CEPR is introducing 'Cli

S6 Ep55: Navigating city transport policy
December 15, 2023

When city dwellers travel, they worry about problems like about traffic jams, congestion charges, and the time spent waiting for public transport. Nicolas Martinez made a model of what happens when a street-smart population decides how and when to travel

S6 Ep54: The art of gerrymandering
December 08, 2023

In the US, redistricting is done by the party in power. If you wanted to maximise the advantage to your side, how would you do it? And is that happening in practice? Allison Stashko talks to Tim Phillips about whether gerrymandering in the US is crossing

S6 Ep53: What is the purpose of a company?
December 05, 2023

In 1970 Milton Friedman told us that The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its profits. Faced with climate change, is that still the right objective for a company, and what could replace it? Dirk Schoenmaker, one of the authors of Corpor

S6 Ep52: Making banking safe
December 01, 2023

Our financial system is supposed to be more resilient than before the global financial crisis, but that didnt save Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank or First Republic. So what went wrong, and can we fix it? Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz suggest t

S6 Ep51: Later-life mortality and the repeal of prohibition
November 24, 2023

In the 1930s we didnt know that drinking alcohol during pregnancy could affect the health of a baby. David Jacks of the National University of Singapore has used the repeal of Prohibition to investigate the impact on the long-term health of adults who we

S6 Ep50: Violence against women in politics
November 17, 2023

In todays polarised atmosphere, violent attacks on politicians are not unusual, and women are more likely to be the victims. Are they victimised because they choose different policies, or just because of their gender? Gianmarco Daniele has investigated v