Vintage Homeschool Moms

Latest Episodes
Healthy Marriage Tips
Caring for your marriage is essential; a healthy marriage takes work from two spouses. Is there a right or wrong way to approach marriage? Felice Gerwitz shares some of her favorite tips for strengthe
Three Marriage Secrets
How many of you struggle in your marriage? I am here to share three marriage secrets. What are they? My husband and I have been married for forty-five years as of this recording, and we've practiced t
Best Marriage Tips
Lets Talk About MarriageBest Marriage Tips! with your host Felice Gerwitz - [Thanks to our sponsorNOWPrograms. Their philosophy is dont accomodate, remediate. And it really works.] - After 40+ y
DeClutter Your Life – New Year!
Are you ready to declutter your life and make things easier for yourself and your family? In this podcast, we look at the things holding you back and how to declutter in a way that is super effective.
Valentine’s Day On The Cheap (Replay)
Valentine's Day on the Cheap Episode 254 - Are you ready to celebrate Valentine's day on the cheap, with very little money? In this episode, I will share some great ideas to make the day special for y
Family Activity for the New Year
Family Activity For The New Year ~ Episode 545 What family activity can you do as you close the year or ring in the new year? In this episode, Felice shares how she began the idea of family activities
New Year’s Eve Family Fun
New Year's Eve Family Fun Episode 318 New Year's Eve is the perfect time to make resolutions for the new year and share them with your family. In this episode, we explore ways to make New Year's Eve m
Holiday Replay | Top 10 Faith Building Activities
Faith Building Activities Episode 325 Having fun and learning while teaching the faith, yes! Faith-building activities are discussed, as well as ways to help your children see the spiritual connection
Best Homeschool Planning Tips (Replay)
Best Homeschool Planning Tips Episode #214 The best homeschool planning tips are the ones we often forget. With this simple outline your year will begin with a great start! Often, what we do is we get
Count Down – Holiday Savings
Holiday Savings - Episode 544 Can you save money during the holidays? There is no way, right? Holiday savings can happen no matter the season; Felice shares ten ways to make your holidays shine, from